Author's Note

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!A discussion on my opinion on Fanfiction!

If you're a new reader to this unfinished mess of a fan fic; welcome! I'm writing this on the 1st of January 2022 and wanted to give a heads up. 

I wrote this fan fic back in 2015 and around 2020(ish) I took it down because I didn't think an unfinished work should be shared, in my eyes - deeming it unworthy as art if not completed. 

Of course, even unfinished work, wips, etc. can still be loved and shared, which comes to my next point: 

As a twenty-two-year-old aspiring artist - and in my opinion - I just don't read or find enjoyment in fanfiction anymore and in my eyes, I have a distaste for them. 

Now! I don't hate fanfiction or dislike anyone who finds enjoyment in them, I've found beautiful literature that were fan fics and still believe they are an amazing way to express art and ones love for a person or character. But I believe it should only be about character

After seeing many famous figures(Youtubers to be exact) and their discomfort on the notion that people make stories and ships on them and their friends, I felt it was unfair to treat human beings like fictional characters. 

They are people will lives, feelings and eyes and ears to see what people write and draw about them and though they can be beautifully written and drawn to perfection, I, myself personally, can not continue it. Maybe I grew out of it, maybe I opened my eyes to what was right in front of me. 

I will re-publish this book in it's unfinished state and keep it up. 

My art is a progress, from the first drawings in kindergarten, my first short story in English, to my first popular fanfiction. I may not like them but they helped me grow my ability to create art that represent me and what is me. 

Thank you for taking your time to read this note, and whether you decide to read my story, I hope you enjoy every word--every book that comes across your path. 

-Ari <3

Lost In The Apocalypse (PewDieCry) -DISCONTINUED-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu