Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Felix's POV

I woke up from nothing, holding myself and rubbing my legs feeling a bit cold, pulling down my jeans to hide my ankles.

Looking around I saw that it was still a dark night, rubbing my eye yawning I looked over at Cry.

He lookes cold with the sound of his teeth chattering. I felt bad, knowing I wore a lot more than him.

Getting up, I slowly and quietly walked over to him taking off my jacket at the same time, slowly placing it on him.

I stared down at his pale face, a soft smile growing on my face. He looked kind of - I couldn't find the word but cute, good looking. I don't know, he looked like good things I guess.

I frowned feeling confused, I do find other men attrative and I joke about it but this was just weird, especially since he's asleep.

When I stepped back to go back to my spot his eyes opened looking at me, making me flinch.

"Oh, Jesus..." I whispered.

He blinked, "thanks..." and rolls over closing his eyes again.

I sighed and walked back feeling my cheeks were a bit warm and flustered, sitting back down and about to close my eyes.

But something caught my eye, a small light in the forest that moved around, clicking on and off.

Confused, I woke up Cry again, pointing at the light. "What's that...?" I questioned.

He squinted at the flickering light, mumbling to himself before speaking out loud.

"Motel..." he said, "motel, over and over again..."

"How do you know?"

"Its a code," he answered, "it might be our friends..."


I sat on the edge of the building with Cry, leaning forward with my arms rested on my knees watching the Walkers roam around town as the sun began to rise.


"Well what...?" Cry turned to me.

"How are we gonna get down?" I asked.

He looked around, getting up. My eyes followed his tracks as he grabbed a tool box that was sitting up here, looking through with clanking sounds before pulling out a screw driver and a hammer. "Pick one..." he ordered.

I hummed as I was thinking, choosing the hammer since it would be more deadly but deciding on the screw driver instead so Cry could use the hammer.

He got out his gun counting his bullets, "four..."

I got out mine, seeing three and telling him.

His eyes gazed at the blocked door, making my heart pound a bit.

"There...?" I mumbled, feeling hesitant.

He nodded, "yes... just stay close..." he said with a calming voice, walking up to the door that had the dead banging on it and kicking it down with his foot after a few tries.

The door went flying off its hinges and knocking down a couple of the undead, giving us a quick path.

We ran down the stairs over the bodies and broken door, Cry hammering the first Walker that came up to him, having the hammer up its upper jaw then pulling it out.

I stabbed one that tried to sneak up to me in the eye, watching it drop to the ground.

"Kjellberg!!" Cry shouted, making to turn around to see one grab my shoulders.

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