Jane looked a bit uncomfortable. She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly and averted her eyes from my own. She didn't even have the courage to look at me. Why was she here? She should know she is no longer welcome. We were no longer friends. I guess she didn't understand that to well.

     "Jane. You have 30 seconds to explain why your here, or you can leave my home. Grow some balls and just spit it out!" I snapped. That seemed to get her attention. She quickly straightened the curve of a wimp in her back. She actually met my eyes for a split moment before looking down at the coffee table once again.

     I couldn't help but look at the coffee table. What was so interesting about it? Nothing. Please note my sarcasm in that. Right as I opened my mouth to say, 'leave now you slut!' she actually spoke.

     "Evie, I'm sorry... But I need to talk to you. It's important... Will you listen?' She asked, looking at me now. She had a pleading look in her eyes that made me want to puke. I didn't care for whatever STD she had caught after a one night stand.

     "No. I will not listen because what's important to you, is most of the time never important to me. We have a different definition of 'important' and for you, running low on shoes is enough to call in the freakin' military. Why should I listen to you? Give me a reason to listen to you and maybe I'll listen." I said. I didn't regret any words that left my mouth at that moment. I had never felt so good in my life.

     Her eyes started to glisten with tears. That made me feel even better. She was hurt by my words, and I knew that this was going to change everything between us. I liked it. "Evie... Zane... he's-" I quickly glared at her more harshly than ever before.

     "Zane?! You actually want to bring up ZANE right now?! I sad give me a reason to make me WANT to listen! Get out!" I snapped. How could she? She ditched Mason when she needed him for Zane. It was always about that cursed boy now! Did she not understand that Zane meant absolutely nothing to me!?

     "Evie wait! Please just listen to me!" She said desperately, but that didn't mean anything to me. When she reached for my arm, I quickly slapped her hand away. That gt her tears to spill over. Finally. she was getting the message that I didn't see her as a friend anymore. I didn't want anything to do with her anymore. I wanted her out. of. my. life.

     Jane looked away, cradling her now red hand. "I'm sorry Evie... But I want you to listen to one thing before I leave..." She gave me a defiant look, looking at em dead in the eyes with the most serious look she'd given so far.

     This had to be good.

     "Evalyn Trinity, you are going to regret EVERYTHING that you ever said behind my back, everything that you said to my face, everything that made you feel so great just then. You'll regret it, I swear on my life that you will regret it Trinity!" She snapped, turning on her heel and walking towards the door.

     I watched her as she held her head high, walking like she owned the the world and was stepping everyone's fingers. With a slam of the door, she was permanently out of my life for good.

    I couldn't help the relief that washed over me. Jane was now gone. I didn't have to worry about her and whatever mess I might of had to clean up anymore. That got a lot of my shoulders, but then I remembered I still had more than the world on my shoulders.

     I sat down on a chair that was across from my couch. I closed my eyes and crossed my arms, concentrating on Kuro. I was going to make him come to me. I didn't care what he was doing at the moment, or if he was trying to avoid me. I wanted him here and now to explain everything to me.

The Reaper's Keeper © Shelby CWhere stories live. Discover now