Pym shrugged, 'I don't know. She couldn't have gotten far. We'll try again in the morning. Let's head back.' They all trudged back across the roads till they reached the base. The other men and Rei walked off leaving Pym, Jaymes, Tomas and Nathaniel there alone, 'Where's Aaron?'

'He's still looking.' Tomas grunted.

'Isn't he the one who pushed her away?' Nathaniel fell into a chair pulling all his wet gear off. 

'He loves her. As much as he tries to deny it, he loves the girl,' Pym looked out the window and watched the rain fall, 'He won't give up till he finds her again.'

'You really think that's the case?' Jaymes pulled his jacket off and dropped it on the ground, 'I mean for all we know he's looking for her for a rematch.

Pym shrugged, 'God only knows kid. God only knows.' 

'Pym.' He turned and saw Luke standing there, 'Olivia is waking up. She's going to be alright.'


'Did I miss something?' He asked walking over. 

Pym sighed and looked around at the other boys, 'Emilie's run off. We can't find her.'

Luke dropped into a chair, head in hands, 'Why...Olivia is waking up.' 

'I know. Aaron could not have picked a worse time to piss her off. Hopefully she'll come back.'

'No she won't.' Nathaniel said deeply, 'I've seen snippets of what is going to happen. She's not coming back.'

'But you said you heard her?' Tomas grunted. 

Nathaniel nodded, 'She comes back, but not for a long time. Now we wait and go on with our lives.' He got up and left. Leaving the others and their thoughts. 

'I never thought he could be so cold.' Jaymes grumbled, 'So much for baby face Nate.' 

Pym shrugged, 'He's seen stuff. I can't explain it. With his powers he managed to pick up a precognition ability. Strange. He'll come around. Rest and then we get up again in the morning to look nearer to the mountains. Maybe she went west.' 

'It's worth a shot.' Jaymes said and they all went to bed. Pym stayed up in his office with Rei and Garrison sitting. 


'These kids are falling apart Pym,' Rei choked. She held back her tears and looked up at him, 'They are crumbling, fading away so fast that they might not make it to Washington.'

'They have to. They are our last hope.'

'Stop thinking about them as "A Hope". THEY ARE LITTLE KIDS! Have you forgotten what they've been through, have you forgotten all the fights they've been in. this whole war is going to kill them. Their minds aren't prepared for this! Emilie has run off for godsakes Pym! These kids need to be told they are loved, cherished and needed. They feel like tools and Emilie told me what she plans to do. A mighty sacrifice but she thinks she's all alone. Aaron is a smoker with no hope even if the world will be saved he can't see anything better. They all grew up hating Aliens and hated what happened three hundred years ago. Olivia is still recovering and these boys are falling apart. Tomas and Nathaniel are broken and Jaymes is just about to kill himself because all this,' She waved her hand around, 'hurts. Seeing this much destruction is a burden. Do you think they wanted this? Do you think that they ever wanted to live like this in a world full of fucking aliens? Tomas lost his sister to them, his whole family and so did Jaymes. Aaron only has you, and frankly you don't give a damn about their state of mind. Be an uncle, heck be a father to all of them right now because that's what they need. After Guy, well those kids were shattered. Don't assume because they have powers they are invincible, emotionless. Not all heroes have nerves of steel. These are children, be there for them. Your plan will fall apart unless they pick themselves back up which they won't.'

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