Chapter 18: oh my!!!

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*3 weeks later*

~Author's pov~

Jungkook was furious with the police. They couldn't find her so he put his shoes on and went to look for her himself for about 2 weeks then he gave up. Thinking she was dead; he'd never leave his room...all he could think about was y/n.

Meanwhile y/n gets nauseous every couple minutes or so. She started to think "what's wrong with me?" She eventually came to a conclusion thinking she is pregnant. She goes up to the door and bangs on it rapidly.

"JIMINNNNNN!!!!" she yells over and over again; she gave up and sat back on the bed. Soon after Jimin comes down. She got up and threw up in the same corner as when she first started throwing up a couple days ago. "Woah....are you ok?" He ask as she sits back on the bed.

"Can you go to the store and buy me a pregnancy test?" She asked as she laid down. He just smiled and ran back upstairs;locking the door. A couple minutes later he comes back and takes her upstairs; she grabs the pregnancy test and heads straight to the bathroom. It took awhile but evemtually she came out smiling shyly.

"Im pregnant!" She yelled happily. Jimin couldn't keep her here knowing she's pregnant so he finally lets her go home. On the way there they have a little talk.

~y/n's pov~

"So you're letting me go home because im pregnant and you don't think you can handle a pregnant woman?" I asked looking out the window. "Exactly....but one better not tell anyone that I was the one who kidnapped you or else your are gonna pay" Jimin said grabbing his pocket knife from his pocket;pointing it at me.

"Easy said then done" I scoffed as we pulled in the drive way I couldn't help but feel so happy im home. I knocked on the door;there was bickering of who should answer the door. But eventually that someone who answered the door was Namjoon. "Oh my god!! Where have you been!?" He asked as he looked over at Jimin. "Well....I found her on the side of the rode walking so I decided to take her home." Jimin said walking back to his car. "Well...thanks.." Namjoon said as Jimin drove off. We walked inside the house and everyone gave me a hug..well except kookie. "Guys...where's Jungkook?" I asked as they all pointed upstairs. I ran upstairs to our room and opened the door. "Kookie?" I said as I heard sobbing coming from under the covers.

I walked over to where the covers are and pulled them off him. "Yahh Taehyung go away!" He shouted as you chuckled. "Kookie it's me y/n" you said he got up and faced you. "Omg im glad you're ok!" He said pulling me into a hug. "You might not wanna hug me...I haven't showered in 3 weeks " I said and he laughed "well babygirl why don't you hop in the shower and I'll set some clothes on the bed for you" he said giving a bunny smile.

I smiled back. "Okay in the mean time can you gather everyone up in the living room I have big news!" I said giggling as I went to take a shower.

I hopped into the shower; feeling the warm water fall over my naked figure feels amazing. I start to relax as I just stood there after awhile I started to wash myself. I quickly got out and got dressed. I grabbed the pregnancy test and hid it behind my back as I made my way down to the living room.

"Everyone I have really big news!" I said smiling. "But first y'all gotta guess" I giggled "You're a lesbian!!!" Taehyung shouted as I laughed at all their responses. "No!!!" I shouted "then what is it!" Jhope whined. I pulled the test from behind my back holding it up. "Im pregnant!" I shouted the room went silence then everyone started to scream "yayy im gonna be an unlce!" And "our maknae's a father now"

Jungkook walked up to me with tears in his eyes. "Im so happy that im gonna be a father" he said sniffling. He hugged me then pecked my lips; he then went to my stomach and planted a kiss gently on my stomach. "Wow babe you're starting to get a little baby bump" he said rubbing your tummy.

After all the excitement died down I went against Jimin's words and told the boys. "Guys about me gone....Jimin kidnapped me...he told me not to tell you or I'll have to pay but I can't hide this...I had to say it.." I trailed off.

Yoongi simply dialed 911 and talked to them about Jimin. Soon after he was all over the news. Jimin will be in jail for 4 months or so. We decided to get a restraining order and high-teach locks and security cameras and stuff so way we can stay alert.

The next day Jungkook and I went for an ultra sound. The nurse started putting the jelly stuff on my little bump. "Im thinking it's a boy but I won't know for sure until your next appointment wich is in a month or so" The nurse said. Jungkook smiled at me. "Whatever the gender is..I will still love him or her as much as I love its mommy" he said pecking my forehead. The nurse smiled as she wiped off the jelly.

We got home and I told the rest of the boys about the appointment and all of them were just as excited as Jungkook and I. Jin decided to cook dinner; we all ate and headed for bed. Jungkook and I couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. He kissed my neck and back to my lips making me moan; he gave my stomach a peck. "Im gonna make mommy feel good tonight" he said smirking. Shortly after we started to cuddle; Jungkook rubbed my stomach wich put me asleep eventually he stopped and fell asleep also. Man its good to be home and protected.

_______________________________________FINALLY UPDATED! IM UPDATING TOMORROW ALSO!!!!!!!!  HOPED YOU LIKED IT

Jin's little sister [ON HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora