june 11, 2014

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    The beginning of summer was already too hot for my liking, it was uncomfortable and sweaty, but my little pest of a sister begged me for hours to go to the park, so that's where I was on this Wednesday afternoon.

    I sat down on a park bench covered in shade as I watched Stella play on every slide and set of monkey bars. She looked so purely happy as she told everyone she saw that she had just turned four a few days ago. She was so proud of herself, and I loved how confident in herself she was.

    Stella came up to me many times, telling me all about a new friend she made, then she would run back to play with them. After she did this one time a man came up to me. He seemed to be in his mid to late thirties. I thought I knew this man. He seemed familiar.

    "Is she yours?" The man asked. He had chocolate buzz cut hair, and a muscular build. His green eyes stared into mine waiting on an answer.

    "Sister." I said. That was the only thing I could manage to say to him, I was so shocked that he would even ask me that kind of question. Did I really seem like her mother?

    He seemed relieved to see that she wasn't my daughter, I didn't understand why at the time. He told me about how he has a little boy that was about a half a year younger than Stella. The stranger even suggested they have a play date sometime, but I shrugged off the idea. He was just a bored dad at the park trying to make conversation.

    To be honest, he acted weird and slightly awkward, like he knew who I was, yet didn't know how to speak to me. I got up to leave, calling Stella over to me. He stood up next to me as well. Right as Stella made her way over to me, he handed me a business card "so that we could set up that play date". I didn't get a chance to really look at it before I was walking to my car with Stella's hand gripped tightly in mine.

    She had always held onto me tightly. It wasn't that she was scared or anxious constantly, it was just a habit. I actually found it cute. She was such an affectionate little one.

    After getting Stella strapped into her car seat I took her on a little surprise trip to get ice cream. At the ice cream parlor I was met by another stranger. But I knew this stranger. It was you.

Stella actually spotted you sitting alone by the window, probably waiting to meet up with someone. She ran up to you before I could tell her not to. It wasn't long before you noticed us.

We ended up eating ice cream with you in that window side booth, after a lot of convincing from my annoying little sister. I didn't really speak much, but Stella made up for my lack of words. Quite honestly she never shut up.

"Syddie? Who was that man you talked to at the park?" She snapped me out of my distant thoughts of wishing to be as far away from you as possible.

I finally pulled out the business card he gave me and slid it over to her, not bothering to look at the name or phone number, but soon after I did that, I realized she couldn't read, so I took it back and read it aloud for her.

"Joseph Geller" I read.

Immediately I looked at the name over and over, not believing the name I had just read. The pieces clicked. I knew that man. He looked different from the last time I saw him. He no longer had a beard, he was much more built than he was years ago. His once styled hair was now buzz cut.

He looked so different than how he had when he left four years ago.

Joseph Geller was my father.

The first man who broke my heart.

Tears streamed down my cheeks before I could process what was happening. I hid my face from you, but you noticed and you stood up, pulling me up with you. You wrapped me in a hug, and I felt to weak to resist. I rested my head on your chest and listening to your steady heartbeat.

"What are you doing?" I asked you, only seeing a blurry version of your face through my watery eyes. "I thought you hated me."

"I could never hate you Sydney. I missed you."

    I finally realized that as much as I tried to hate you, I couldn't, and in that moment I fell for your charm all over again.

    I finally realized that as much as I tried to hate you, I couldn't, and in that moment I fell for your charm all over again

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