oct. 11, 2013

117 15 34

It was a pretty important day for you, and the whole school alike. You and your teammates wore your jerseys around the hallway. Cheerleaders flaunted their own uniforms from class to class. Everyone wore the school colors out of pride. It was an extremely happy day. The homecoming game was later that night. You walked around school, shaking hands with teammates, pumping each other up for the big game that I planned to avoid.

    It's not that I didn't like football, I loved sports, football being one of my favorites. I hated the fact that I had no one to go with. My new best friend, Lydia, would be babysitting her younger brothers instead of going to the game. Of course I had other friends, but it just wouldn't be as fun without her.

    During chemistry you asked me if I was going to the game, which I replied to with a simple, "no". You gave me those damn honey colored, puppy eyes that absolutely killed me, as if you impaled me straight through the heart with your pencil. But guys like you don't take no for an answer, do you? Figures.


    I went to the game. I know, I said I wasn't going to, but I had to get out of the house. I brought my younger sister, Stella. She was only three and didn't understand the game whatsoever, but she liked the atmosphere better than the tension in our house. Plus, I promised her ice cream.

    I didn't tell you much about my family. I didn't tell anyone really. But the one thing I told you about was Stella. I told you that she was a blessing to our family. I guess I left out the part where she sometimes calls me "mom," because I am forced to be just that for her.

    This was the one time she was able to escape the noise in our house. She loved being in my car. Windows down, her hair blowing wildly in the wind. Her laughter filled the void in my mind.

    You found me and Stella after the game. And this is how the conversation went:

"I thought you weren't coming?" You laughed as you walked up to me, still in your uniform.

"Couldn't miss the homecoming game, right? Star quarterback?" I slightly joked, cracking a small smile.

"Is this the famous little Stella I heard about?" You crouched down next to her, which made her grab my hand tightly. She didn't like strangers.

"Yes it is." I smiled and crouched down to her height. "Say 'hi' honey." I told her.

    We smiled and laughed for awhile, until Stella got bored and began to fuss about wanting me to pick her up, and wanting ice cream. I picked her up in my arms and you smiled sweetly. I didn't understand why you smiled, but you did, and I was grateful you weren't another person who judged me for bringing a three year old to a football game.

    I told you that I had to leave, and you understood. Then, you did something that I didn't expect and still don't understand.

You hugged me.

You hugged me and Stella goodbye. It had been a long time since I had a real hug from someone other than Stella, but you didn't know that.

And no, I'm not one of those people who over analyzes things like hugs, but that one nice gesture meant a lot to me.

More than you could possibly comprehend.

More than you could possibly comprehend

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