june 20, 2014

17 1 0

    I'm writing you from London, Evan! London, England! That's insane huh? It's always been a dream to visit European and here I was! It is a school trip, mainly to learn more about European History, but it was still the coolest thing I've ever done.

    I saved up so much for this trip, like for two whole school years. That's a lot of time.

    The trip itinerary states that we would be traveling Europe for three weeks, and that means I wouldn't see my mom, or Stella, or you, or anyone except for the nine other students on this trip for three weeks. It was tough leaving Stella for the first time in her life. She cried when I told her it was going to be just her and mom for a little bit. I worried about her so much. Would my mom hurt her? Would she hate me when I get back?

    But let's talk about us instead for a minute. We've gotten closer since my father decided to show up unannounced, but my guard is up and it's going to take a lot to take it down. The day we saw you at the ice cream parlor, you ended up driving Stella and I home. You stayed at my house with us for awhile as I cried to you and ranted about my father who is now remarried with other children, and he never even bothered to let us know. In that moment I felt my life literally going down the drain. How would I recover from that kind of pain and humiliation.

    But here I am in London.

    I met someone yesterday, I thought you'd like him.

    His name is Holden, and I suppose I should tell you how I met this guy.

    So, we were staying in this really nice hotel in London, and while everyone else wanted to just get the complimentary breakfast from the hotel, I decided to go out to the little cafe just around the corner. I know, probably not the safest idea, but I'm alive and well so I guess it wasn't that bad of an idea. Plus I made a new friend, so, I guess it worked out.

    After I ordered my food and a coffee, I sat down by myself with this little leather back journal that I write all of my letters to you in. I saw this worker looking around like a lost puppy. His green eyes landed on me and he gave me a small closed mouth smile which displayed the dimple on his left cheek.

    The boy, who I assumed was our age, found his way over to me and asked if he could sit with me because he was on his break and was terribly bored with all of the older co-workers. I gladly accepted his request as he sat down fixing his insanely curly hair. He introduced himself as Holden. And I was honestly glad to have some company.

    We talked for what seemed like forever until he checked his phone and got up abruptly saying, "Shit! My break was over ten minutes ago!"

    He quickly scribbled his number down on a napkin so that we could keep in touch.

    You'd love him, Evan. He was already one of the funniest and sweetest people I've ever met.

    Edit: April 28, 2015

    Holden came over to America just to see you for the first and last time today. That's how much impact you have. You influenced someone fly across the Atlantic just to be able to see your face one time. You really would've loved him.

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