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Dear E,

I know you always secretly loved when I called you that, even if you acted like you hated it.

Starting with this brief letter, I'm giving you the most precious collection I own.

This collection of letters explains many significant times in our lives, the good and the bad. When I loved you, and when I hated you.

I could never bring myself to say these things to you in person. You know how awful I am at opening up, and even after all of the time I've known you, I still never told you this all.

In this first letter I just wanted to say that I am sorry. I'm so sorry for what has happened to you, to us. While I knew you, I changed into something I hated, and you worked so hard to fix me. But you couldn't, no one could.

And that's how I ended up sitting here, writing this introductory letter for you. My pen hit this sheet of paper as soon as your brother called me this morning. I've been writing ever since, or at least trying to find the words to say to you.

I shouldn't be wasting time writing this, but I'm scared to see you today, and this is how I've always calmed my anxiety. That's why I have so many letters piled into this little cardboard box.

So here are the letters, so that you can relive these moments, just as I had when I wrote them. This is my gift, from me, to you.

Dated : April 24, 2015

Yours Forever,


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