24| Your Highness

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I held my breath as the escorts maneuvered me towards the main entrance to Auradon Prep, I could already hear the cheers from people outside.

"Are you ready?" The royal adviser, Lumiere asked me, his lanky form towering over me.

I looked at the large doors for a second, biting the inside of my cheek before nodding, not trusting my own words.

The former candlestick smiled at me, holding out his arm, which I took, bracing myself as they opened the doors.

The sun landed on my face, and it took me a second to realize it wasn't the sun, but the flash of cameras.

I sent them the best smile I could muster as I was lead down to a white carriage, making me immediately think of Fairy Godmother.

"You know," Lumiere's french accent sounded over the questions from reporters, "I've known Prince Ben since he could hardly walk, and I must admit I didn't like the idea of his proclamation. But now I see he was right."

I looked up at the man in shock, though he wasn't looking at me, instead bowing at the press.

"You think he made the right choice?" I was able to breath out.

Lumiere nodded, taking my hand as he helped me into the carriage, "Oui. I regret ever doubting him, you and your friends are fine youth. You belong in Auradon."

Did we? I looked down at the red velvet carpet of the carriage, only looking up when the man spoke up again.

"Though, may I offer a piece of advice, mademoiselle?" I nodded at him, curious as to what he had to say.

"You should not doubt yourself, and wonder who you are, as you already know the answer." He told me, a seemingly golden glint in his eye, "You are you. You're own person, no one else. And nobody can change that."

He then bowed to me, before walking off to join the rest of the royal staff. His words continued to float through my head as the carriage started moving.

I only looked up when I realized we had stopped. We were now waiting outside of the palace.

An escort opened the carriage door, offering me his hand. I smiled at him, before ignoring his hand and jumping off the carriage and onto the ground myself.

I bit my lip as the trumpets sounded, the cheering growing even louder behind me. The large doors opened and there stood Ben, and everything seemed to freeze.

My eyes followed him as he made his way down the steps, the staff all bowing at him as he walked past.

As he neared the ground, I deeply curtsied, my head looking down to hide the blush that appeared after seeing Ben in his suit.

Warm hands were then pressed against my chin, and I soon found myself face to face with Prince Ben.

I smiled lightly at him, which he returned, pulling me in for a hug.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear, "As always."

I rolled my eyes, mentally scolding myself as that was probably caught on television, "You don't look too bad yourself either."

We both chuckled, Ben shaking his head while I looked down at his royal blue suit, he looked as king-like as ever.

"Your Highness," The escort nodded to Ben, opening the carriage door once again.

"Thank you." Ben told the man, before taking my hand and pressing a kiss to it, "Ma'am."

I smiled, letting him help me into the carriage, as he sat next to me, his hand still in mine as the carriage started off again.

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