14| I Put A (Love) Spell On You

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I watched Ben and Audrey from a few feet away at Mal's locker, which the purple-haired girl was rummaging through when Jay walked up to us.

"Hey," He dropped his bag to his feet, "Are you guys sure about this? I mean it's not so bad here, you know."

My eyes widened. Was Jay seriously considering staying here? This was no place for a villain.

Mal was having none of it as she gave the taller boy a pep-talk, "Hey, listen! You're mean, you're awful, you're evil! Snap out of it!"

Jay paused for a second before smirking, "Thanks, Mal. I really needed that." He then turned to go flirt with all the girls who we had given new hair to.

I watched as Audrey walked away from Ben, Mal tossed the bag of love spell-spiked cookies to me.

"Now's your chance." My best friend told me, I nodded, this was our last hope at getting the wand. "Just get in there and get him a cookie."

I smirked at her, walking over to Ben and tapping him on the shoulder, "Hey there, King-Boy."

He smiled at me, chuckling softly, "I'm not king yet. Now, what gives me the pleasure of talking to you today?"

"I got bored yesterday so I went down and made some cookies." I jiggled the bag of desserts in my hand, "I may have gone a little overboard on the chocolate chips, but I thought I would offer you one."

Ben looked at the bag that I held out to him, "I've got a big game later, and I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time." He patted my shoulder, turning to walk away.

"Oh," My voice softened in mock disappointment, causing him to turn back around to face me, "I understand. Don't take stuff from a villain, and since I'm a kid of one that can't make me much different."

Ben shook his head, "No, no, no-"

I cut him off, "You don't trust easy. That's smart. Everyone on the Isle is taught that from day one. I really just thought that coming here would be a fresh start for me and all that..." I looked down to hide a smirk as I saw Ben's face soften, it was working, "But I guess I got my hopes up right?"

I reached into the bag, pulling out one of the cookies, "Yeah...you know, maybe I'll give one to Carlos-"

Ben then snatched the cookie from my hand, taking a large bite out of it, "See?" He laughed through a mouthful, "I totally, totally trust you."

I glanced behind me to see the rest of the VK's looking curiously at the Prince, a smirk was embedded on Mal's face.

I carefully looked at him, smiling lightly, "How are they?"

"They're great, I mean-they're uh, they're amazing." I watched warily as he stumbled over his words, was the spell working? "Are those walnuts? Man, I love walnuts. And, the chocolate chips are...they're. I'm sorry. They're, uh...they're warm and chewy."

Even as Evie and Mal came up behind me, Ben wouldn't take his eyes off me.

He smiled at me, "Hadey, has your hair always been so many different shades of blue?" He went to take another bite of the cookie, but Mal grabbed it. I was thankful as I did not need him too head-over-heels for me.

"How you feeling, bro?" Jay asked, clapping Ben on the back.

Once again, the soon-to-be-king didn't look away from me, "I feel...I feel...I feel like, singing your name!"

He did just that, "Hadey!" He belted out, causing Jay to cover his mouth to keep him quiet.

After a second Ben pulled Jay's hand off his mouth, looking at me like an eager puppy, "You're coming to watch me play in the tourney game, right?"

I looked at the others, who nodded encouragingly, I looked back at Ben with a half smile, "Yeah."

In a flash Ben then quickly pulled me into a hug, something I was not prepared for.

My other friends all looked shocked, I imagined my expression looked like their's.

I slowly raised my left hand to pat Ben on the back awkwardly, I did not like this.

After a moment or two Ben was still holding me in a death grip.

"Can someone get him off me?"

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