08| Tourney Tryouts

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"Why are you here again, H?" Jay asked me from where I sat on the bleachers while he swung his tourney stick around.

I shrugged, flicking through the pages of my Castle Architecture textbook, which was kind of interesting.

"Carlos asked me to come," I looked up towards the field where the De Vil boy was struggling putting on his helmet, "That way I can identify his body when he gets brutally crushed."

Jay stopped whirling his tourney stick around for a second, nodding at my statement, "That's fair."

I looked out all the guys running around on the field, "So what are the rules?"

Jay looked up at me, confusion on his face, "There are rules in this?"

I rolled my eyes, as Jay and the other boys ran over to the Coach to start the practice.

My eyes traveled back down to the book in my lap, my eyes scanning the pages, but not really reading it.

All day I had been trying to come up with another plan to get the wand since stealing it upfront last night didn't work.

It would be helpful if my dad's minions were here, Pain and Panic, they were usually good at causing distractions. Or maybe they could get the wand for me, so we wouldn't risk getting caught and sent back home empty handed.

I glanced back up at the field at the sound of a whistle blowing to see Jay running across it, the ball on his paddle.

He pummeled everyone else to the ground, not caring if they were own his own team. He then ran through the "Kill Zone", the son of Tinkerbell shooting at him with a canon, though Jay dodged it easily.

This game kind of reminded me of being back on the Isle, you know, the fighting and all, it was kind of refreshing.

"Jay! It's me!" I looked over to see Carlos standing there, with Jay running right towards him. He tried to stop Jay, weakly throwing his paddle at him, but I'm pretty sure the son of Jafar was in his destroy mode.

Carlos dived to the ground, holding his shield over his body, which Jay jumped off of, and towards the net.

He threw the ball into the net, scoring a goal. He then chased the goalie away, once succeeding doing his own little dance.

I rolled my eyes at him, looking to see all the other players down on the ground. I smirked a little when the Prince removed his helmet, revealing that he had been knocked down too.

At the sound of cheering I glanced over to see a group of girls flipping and yelling. Audrey was there too, but she wasn't doing anything, just frowning with her arms crossed.

I looked back at the field, clapping for Jay as the Coach called him over. Ben looked up from his place on the ground and over to me, I ignored his gaze, turning back to my book.

After a minute or two of reading, I felt someone sit next to me, "Hey." I looked over to see Ben, an ice pack pressed to his jaw.

"Jay got you good?" I asked him, not looking up from my book.

He hummed in agreement and I smirked.

"Well, he is an Isle kid. We're just a little tougher than you guys."

It was silent for a couple of seconds before Ben spoke up again, "You don't like it here, do you?"

I didn't answer for a minute, taking a deep breath in as I looked out at the field. Me not liking it here was an understatement.

"This," I gestured around the field, over towards the cheerleaders, "It's not really my thing. I prefer dark alleys, mud puddles, causing trouble, that stuff."

"Then why did you come?" The Prince asked, and I had to hold back a snort.

I thought for a second, I couldn't tell him that I really came for the wand, "They're my friends," I nodded towards where Jay and Carlos were chasing each other around on the field, "And if there's one thing you learn on the Isle, you don't desert your crew."

"I just want to give you guys a chance. A chance to prove you're not your parents, that you're not evil."

I shut my book, holding it to my chest, flashing my electric blue eyes for a second, "Who said we weren't?"

And with that, I walked off the field and towards the school.

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