17| Father Knows Best

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"Careful on the eyeliner," I instructed Evie as she did my makeup for my date with Ben, "I don't want to scare him away."

Mal snickered from where she lay on her bed, flipping through the spell-book, "Not that you could."

Evie rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, before turning back to me, "Don't worry, my mom taught me how to do makeup before I could walk."

I thought back to my own father and what Lonnie had said about parents making you cookies, and telling you jokes, "I never really learned about the whole makeup thing." I thought aloud.

Evie smiled at me, "Well, I am honored to teach you. I'll be like your big sister, we'll need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off."

My eyes went down to my boots, "Are you afraid of your mom?"

The taller girl nodded, "A little, she's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. What about you Mal?"

The other girl looked up at us, thinking about it for a second, "Kind of, I know she loves me. I just wanna make her proud. She gets really upset when I disappoint her."

Evie nodded, looking back at me as she fixed my blush, "What about you, Hads?"

I shrugged, "I know he wants what's best for me in the long run, he's just...a little pushy about it. He says he's prepping me for the real world, well, the real underworld."

The Evil Queen's daughter was quiet for a moment before smiling as her eyes scanned my face, "We're all done!"

Evie then led me over to the mirror, Mal not far behind.

My mouth dropped when I saw my reflection, Evie had really worked wonders.

"Go, on," Evie said from the left of me, her hands on my shoulders, "Say it."

"I look.." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Wicked." Mal cut in, smiling at me through the mirror, "You look wicked."

I smiled at the two girls, turning around to face them, "Thanks guys. Ben will be here-" A knock on the door signaled his arrival, "Now."

I walked over to the door, pulling it open, where Ben stood with two helmets under his arms, his jaw dropped when he saw me. I guess the change was pretty noticeable.

"Close your mouth, Pretty Boy." I told him, pushing his chin up, "You'll catch flies."

Ben shook his head, smiling at me, "Sorry, it's just for the first time I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful." He looked at me for a couple of seconds before holding out one of the helmets to me, "I hope you like bikes."

I took the yellow and blue helmet in my hands, tossing it back and forth, I had never ridden a bike before.

I smirked at him, "Let's find out."

As Ben lead me down the hall I looked back in the room just in time to see Evie and Mal mouthing, "Good luck."

I was gonna need it.

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