22| Tower

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After the chaotic events of family day, the VK's and I sat outside in the courtyard. Quietly eating our lunch, we had barley talked about what went down on the field.

Ben was looking around the courtyard, stopping when he made eye contact with me. I immediately looked down, my still-wet-hair dripping onto my legs.

"Hey guys," He announced, clapping Jay on the shoulder, "Look it's fine, it's taken care of."

Ben then walked over to me, nodding at Mal and Evie, he took my right hand in his own, kissing it softly.

"I have to go." I nodded slightly, before he turned to the others, "I'll see you guys later."

As he walked off I heard giggling behind me, "How long does she think that's gonna last?" I heard Audrey's voice, "Hadey's just the bad girl infatuation."

Jane then piped in, "Yeah, he's never gonna make a villain queen."

  I sucked in a deep breath, "Mal." She nodded at me, flipping through her book.

  "Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair." We heard Jane let out a loud shriek and I turned to see that her original hair was back.

   Mal then jumped up, facing the Auradon kids, "There's a lot more where that came from."

  Audrey scoffed, "And who do you think you are?"

  I stood up, glaring at Sleeping Beauty's daughter, "You wanted a villain? You can have one." All the kids looked at me warily, "Boo!" I screamed, causing all the kids to scatter.

  I then turned to face the gang, "You know? I am really looking forward to tomorrow."

   Mal smirked, the others standing up with her, "Let's get the wand and blow this popsicle stand."

A little later, I stood out on main balcony on the second floor of Auardon Prep. It had the perfect view of the Isle, and if I squinted I could see the top of the old warehouse we used to hang out in.

I gulped, thinking of that this time tomorrow, the dome would be down and the villains would all be free.

"Hey," A voice I knew too well spoke up from behind me.

I shook my head, my damp hair flinging around me,"How did you know I was up here?"

Ben shrugged, leaning on the railing next to me and looking out to the Isle, "Lucky guess."

I chuckled, the wind hitting my face as I spoke, "You're a terrible liar."

He only smiled, before nodding his head towards the dorms, "Mal told me, well actually she only told me so I would leave her and Evie alone."

I nodded, that sounded like Mal.

"It's okay to be nervous," My head snapped up to look at Ben, but he was gazing up at the stars.

"What do you mean?"

He looked down at me, "I know your nervous about the coronation and all that, being up front, and riding in with me, it's okay."

I nodded, relieved that he didn't know what I was really nervous about.

"Ben," He looked over at me, "How are you so...good?"

He shrugged, "I don't really know. Is being good really even a thing? I mean, I just like helping people. It makes me happy. I really just wanna make Auradon, and the Isle, a better place."

I nodded at his answer, quiet for a few seconds before I asked him another question, "Why do you like me?"

Ben looked at me, almost shocked as to why I asked the question, but he spoke up nonetheless, "You know, this is where my parents meet."

   I looked down at the railing, before turning to him, "Really?"

    He hummed, "Yep, it's where my mom saw that my dad really wasn't evil, he was just misunderstood." When I didn't say anything, Ben continued, "She said she saw it in his eyes. That in his eyes were anger, and hurt, but not evil."

Ben then placed his fingers under my chin, bringing my face up to his own. My dark blue eyes met his own perfect green ones, and I felt like I was going to melt like the wicked witch of the west.

We stood like that for what seemed like one hundred years, our foreheads pressed together, me looking into his eyes.

At the sound of the clock tower chiming, signaling it was elven, Ben slowly moved his head from mine.

"Come on," He offered me his arm, "I'll walk you to back to your room."

As we left, I caught one last glance at the Isle, right before the door closed.

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