Self Control • Ken •

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(A/N: Hello Everyone! I apologise for the late as update on this book and 'Should I go? Should I stay?' Due to my exam period. When I had a little free time before I go to bed, I decided to make scenarios for the members that hasn't been posted.

Also I made the decision to unpublish: 'Living with VIXX' until I finish each members chapter, when I have time to finish them off.)

Enjoy Everyone!!


As I sit for the pass hour at church, listening to the words of the gospel I try and concentrate as hard as I can to get the benefit out of it.

My eyes moved around to solve what was trying to distract me. Nope. Nothing.

But I just felt a strong stare from the choir loft, I couldn't spot who it was but it was probably me being weird.


After the worship service, I had to wait for my cousin to pick me up. So whilst my
Cousin takes her sweet ass time I as I wait in the cold, I flicked through my phone and slowly wasted data, I should've saved. I heard a car pull up in front of me. It was night time, so I couldn't see well, "Y/N who's picking you up?" I walked closer, squinted my eyes, towards the fairly new car, and I realised it was Jaehwan.

Jaehwan was in the same School as me before he graduated. I never really had friends in other year group except for him, "My cousin." But it wasn't a close-close best friend type of friendship. We're just normal friends who will acknowledge you if you see them in person.

"When will your cousin be here?" I checked my phone for the time before replying him, "Probably in around 30 minutes? Or so." Jaehwan gave a sigh and said, "I'll drop you home, tell your Cousin that I will send you home so it can be quicker."

Jaehwan knew that my cousin is very busy with her business priorities, so I had to wait for a bit due to the traffic in the highway since she left at a bad time.

"Ohh you don't have too, I can wait a little longer."

"I don't want you getting sick from this cold, it's not going to hurt," I sighed as I knew he was right, so I sat in the front on the passengers side.

Since when did he afford leather seats?

"I'm hungry, do you want to go somewhere to eat?" Jaehwan stopped at the red light.

"Well since you're hungry then why not," he smiled. Before pressing on the accelerator, there was something about Jaehwan's smile that you can get enough of. Behind the organ, you see this highly concentrated and skilled organist then once he comes down the choir loft, there is the goofy, cute, fun, loving Jaehwan.

It's comfortable to he around him.

The roads were not the narrow type and its night time, so driving felt free. I looked out the window and saw houses and businesses still alight. Looking like little tiny dots.

I don't know where he is taking us, but I have trust in him wherever he goes. "You'll enjoy this place, then after we'll get dessert." I guess mum won't be seeing me any time sooner, so I made sure that I contacted my mother so she wouldn't worry before going to sleep.

Jaehwan rolled down the windows after I ended the phone call. The wind was so refreshing, especially when you drive fast on the highway. Even though it's night time during in one of the coldest times of the year, rolling down the windows will always be a bliss. "Someone's is enjoying it." I look towards Jaehwan who averted his attention back on the road.

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