Right Timing? • Ravi •

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(A/N: I decided to add some tagalog (filipino language) into this, but I have translated when tagalog is being spoken. For all y'all Filipino readers, I am not very fluent at so I am trying my best.)

I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Ravi's POV

The CEO told me to have my own personal vacation with my sister after working too hard on my personal schedule which usually consisted of me composing new music, doing collaborations and of course vixx.

I asked my sister where she wanted to go and she suggested the Philippines, I would have to be honest. I wanted to explore more and actually see what I see through the photos and videos from my friends who went and from the internet. But since it was usually for international schedules and we stayed for one night or two, as vixx we weren't able to explore than around our hotel.

I asked my parents if they wanted to go, but they had work to get done and they couldn't apply for a leave because the event was so sudden. "Are you ready?" I came into my parents place where my sister is at. "Yep," she came out of her room with her suitcase.

"Take care like always, Wonsik-ah you know what to do," we said goodbye to our parents and the manager took us to the airport. The CEO basically did everything, he booked the hotels, paid for our plane tickets and gave us spending money. All we both have to do is to find things to do and how we will get there. "Oh oppa, I have a friend who is in the Philippines right now, so she will show us around."

Well thank god we are 50% less worried.


We got checked out and we headed out the airport and took a taxi to the hotel we are staying at. The time difference is not that bad so jet lag didn't affect us even though we are very tired from travelling.

"Where is your friend's place?"

"Uhm she told me that it's in Cavite but we are still making arrangements," she laid down in bed. "Is it far from Manila?"

"I don't know, she just texted that she will meet us in Starbucks, near our hotel. Tomorrow at 11am"

Wonsik's Sister POV

I didn't tell him that my friend is a fan of his, since I also have a plan for myself. You see Y/N is a person Wonsik is looking for and I don't want him to think that she is playing us when she us but actually my very good friend in university.

She didn't know that I was his sister until I told her when I saw her listening to vixx many times. Her reaction was funny when I told her as she is shocked and made sure that she is no stalker or anything. I trusted her so I knew I could tell her, but sadly she went back home during our long breaks so I couldn't hang out as much with her.

But this time I am excited to see my close friend meet my older brother, she will be holding it in until he leave or something. Besides I think it's time that he has a relationship for once.


The next day oppa and I had breakfast at the buffet downstairs and we both roamed around manila before meeting with Y/N.

"I want to go to the beaches, I always see nice videos of them."

"Ehem and girls in bikinis," Oppa nudged me, "No, I just want to see for myself instead from a video."

Alrighty then suit yourself. I can't wait to see attractive guys with nice tans for once in my life.

Time flew by and we met up with Y/N at starbucks. "Missed you," I gave Y/N and tight hug. "How did you get here?"

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