Fix you • Neo •

180 5 11

(A/N: Thank you @nurulhnny for submitting, I hope you will enjoy


"Why Leo?"

"It's none of your business," recently he has called off his own wedding. That is unexpected of him, especially that he has loved her ever since they got together.

This time he has closed up even more and even the fans are worrying what has happened. His parents have even asked me what has happened since he never said anything.

I've been trying to talk to Leo but he has been out more often or locked up in his room. "Taekwoon isn't like this, what happened? He lost so much weight it's scary now."

The maknae has been very worried, lately also worry about what the starlights are thinking. Taekwoon tends to talk to me about his problems but not recently, it really bugs me how he probably knows that it is affecting us and the starlights. Since the media also found out that the wedding is cancelled by him.

"Is he gone?" I nodded. "Do you want to follow him?"

"I would want to but if he catches us then we will be in a lot of trouble."

"Does the CEO know about this?" I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe he does but it's way too serious to talk about."

"But shouldn't we know about this then?"

"Maybe the CEO wants us to find out for ourselves then the last resort would be the CEO," said Ravi who has a good point. A team works due to trust and communication. But obviously those two characteristics are nonexistent right now.

"It's sad that his family doesn't know either, they are worried sick about their youngest child. Being all closed up and cold all of a sudden."

"It doesn't look like his ex would cheat, she loved him so much," we all nodded and Hongbin's response.

"There's no choice but to follow him but obviously we can't go together as a group, whenever we have time we'll pair up and see where Taekwoon is at then Hakyeon would be the one to approach him, call?"

"Call," Ravi is right about it following Taekwoon even if it's wrong to invade in ones privacy.


During our schedules as a group, the vibe has changed tremendously. Taekwoon is usually squished in the corner unless he is getting his makeup done or being interviewed. But the smile that we used to see is completely gone, every time after the a schedules he wouldn't be at the dorm but somewhere we don't know.

We all got sick of his immature acts of not talking to us about his problems especially that we were is close friends since our trainee days. I know his dreams of being married and having children are pretty slim now but I'm pretty sure there is more to it.

I needed to consult with the CEO before we decided to stalk our own member. "Hyung-nim did Taekwoon tell you anything?"

"Yes he did, it's worse than you'll think. That's why he doesn't want to tell you guys."

"What do you mean?"

"You need to talk to Taekwoon about it, if he doesn't then I'll talk to you privately. I told him that it's a must for him to tell you but obviously he hasn't."

I thanked him and left. On the way home with the manager who also knew what is happening. We talked about strategies to figure out what is actually happening.

"Remember that time you two got really drunk and hooked up," I rested my forehead on my hand.

"Please, straight after that I found out that he had a girlfriend," he was into both genders but he couldn't confess to his parents like that and they were pressuring him to now find someone and marry them while he is still young.

And he did. He kept it a secret from us until after that night. I've always had feelings for him so it hurts when heard that he was getting married, but that's what he always wanted. Getting married and creating a family.

That's something I can't do. I can get married but I can't provide the family he has always dreamed of.

I guess it will stay at a stage of uncertainty.

As we got back to the dorm, Taekwoon is probably stuck in his room. The rest of the members are gathered in the living room watching TV.

"He hasn't came out?"

"Yeah," they all sighed. "What did he say?"

"If he doesn't tell us then he will, hyung-nim said that it's too serious," they all had their thinking faces on and the room went extremely silent until my phone went off due to a text message.

Everyone looked up as I check my phone, "Taekwoon," I whispered, I went straight to this door and it was unlocked for the first time.

As I entered his room, there was medication on his desk. "Hakyeon-ah, I'm sorry."

I sat on his desk chair, "You know that you could always talk to us, what's wrong Taekwoon?"

"I didn't want to give her a hard time and she deserved someone healthier than me. At this time around I don't think I could live anymore."

"Wait what's happening?"

"I have Colorectal Cancer," he removed his beanie and most of his hair fell out. It now explains his sudden weight loss and major pain his body is having. But he continued to work.

Now it explains the medicine and everything along with it, "What's the survival rate?"

"75%," that's way better than a 10% chance. But I can't argue with him.

"That's why you called off the wedding? But aren't soulmates supposed to go through everything no matter what it is?"

I remember him telling me that he will go through anything with the person he loves.

"You really want me to explain, I'm pretty sure you know anyway. Beside she doesn't deserve this due to selfishness to forget what happened to us."

"Look are you still going on from that night? Did you use her for that reason?"

"I loved her, but you were the reason why I had to be with her. You know that my family wants me to get married and have kids. They have been pressuring me for so long, before it's too late."

"So you needed to forget your feelings for me?" He slowly nodded.

"Look, we need to put that aside and concentrate about vixx and most importantly your family. What did hyung-nim say?"

Taekwoon looks like he was about to cry, "I will need to stop working to get healed, but singing, starlights and you guys drive me on."

"Especially you Hakyeon."

"Look what's best is for you to go home to your family, because they need to know what is happening and including the vixx members who are worried sick about you."

I stood up and left the room for fresh air.


Within those moments, everything is exposed to his family and the rest of vixx.

The fans were given the answers and I hated myself for not being a better leader or lover to Taekwoon.

Taekwoon left for the better, and all I hope is for the best. But his words stuck on me forever.

"I will always love you."

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