You're So Intriguing • Leo •

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A/N: Happy New Year Everyone or Advance Happy New Year!! This is my gift to all the starlights who are reading. I will be looking forward to your submissions.

I decided to write some imagines to start it off, I will try my best to type imagines/ scenarios for all the members.

I hope you enjoy this everyone :)


"It's so cold how are these people wearing skirts and a jacket," I am completely wrapped up like a burrito walking to my class in college.

I became a international student after being recommended for my interest in traveling when I wrote something that consisted of being free and finding my identity through traveling. The truth about this is that, piece was two days before due date. So I thought it was a shitty job and a big joke for me to be recommended to become a international student.

I don't know why they chose South Korea, but would much prefer it to be that way than North Korea where they jack their hotel rooms to listen what you are talking about and brainwash with propaganda.

It was not my first class with them obviously but it's my first winter class with them so I am highly confused with them still being so active while I want to stay in my dorm underneath a heap of blankets drinking coffee or tea.

When I first came to Korea I instantly felt I was underdressed, because the people my age dressed like they are going to attend a fashion show or be at a impress event. While I am here wearing comfortable clothing, don't get me wrong there are those people who dress the same way to be comfortable but it's rarely seen. Luckily I made friends so they helped me progressed me into having a Korean way of life. So I am very grateful.

Since my friend is on her family holiday, I am alone in class, it's not that I have any more friends but I just prefer sitting with her and no one else so I could concentrate and not be intimidated by anyone else.

The lecture room didn't have a lot of people and it was warm so we were all able to be comfortable. I took out my pen, textbook, book and waited for the professor to start.






What's with this 'omo, omo, omo' shit I am hearing from the girls around me. One time we are all prepared for class and then I hear an army of girls chanting the same thing. Another student sat a seat away from me, I never really saw this person in class so I just mind my own business. So probably they were like 'omo, omo, omo" when he came in since he is probably new or a student who came back after a really long time.

"Okay, class I want you to take notes, this will be important," I went ahead and paid attention in class when the girls keeps on fangirling over this guy who is particularly good looking but not worth my time as I am working for piece of paper saying that I am now qualified to pursue what I am stressing over to be the last few years. I would have to be honest I would be more than happy to do those high school assessments and exams again rather than doing this.

"Taekwoon and Y/N can you please come down here... just leave you things there."

I took my phone and followed this Taekwoon guy because he was in front of me and was taking his time walking. I hope those girls understand that I don't know this guy they fangirling so they don't have to worry.

"Y/N I don't you know about this, but this is Taekwoon who is a student here and is also a kpop idol," ahh okay so that's why I don't see him often. "Hello I'm Jung Taekwoon."

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