Rules or Sacrifice? • Leo •

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(A/N: Thank you Maan2442 for making the submission. I hope you all enjoy this imagine/scenario.)

Leo's POV

"You know you need to find someone soon right?"

My father has been bugging me to find someone of my kind for months now, I know he is getting old and I would need to replace him in the not to distant future but looking for a girl of my kind is something I don't even want to look at.

Yes we are the same but with the obvious differences, but having a girlfriend, fiancé of wife of my kind would be a recipe for disaster. Knowing that we people have major split personalities, can be really annoying and then having a family of the same kind would be even worse.

That's why I have interest in humans. We all look the same but very different, sometimes it's hard to hold in our true selves. That's why we don't live close to the normal humans.

We have rules in our world for the sake of us and the humans.

The most fundamental law is to not have a relationship with a human.

The rule has been more strict than ever when he took the throne, which means that we couldn't be as close to them. That's why with our people we all go to the same school and stay in the same friendship group. Because none of us wants to be executed.

Yet it is all for the sake of our safety and the normal humans safety.

We can't trust them as much, if we ever do decide to reveal ourselves even to our closest normal human friends. The risk is too high, so might as well not fuck around with it.

It's like testing the waters with a full arm of a hot spring but it's actually turns out to be the most acidic without any notice.

(A/N: Check out JKNews the story about this)

My mother passed away a few years ago and now my father is asking me to take the throne, I feel like something is going on.

"Hey Leo, wanna play soccer of not?" Ravi waved at my face like a manic. "Not now, you can go ahead I need to do something." I stood up and left, now and then I'm just not in the mood for soccer so I tend to walk around in the forest where we have our secret matches and stuff like that.

It's obvious why we have our own field, before we rage out and fight over due to competitiveness.

"Oh Leo, I heard you are looking for someone to marry."

Ebony the nosy girl who is always coming up to me asking about me personal life. Shit.

"Yes, my father is asking me to take over sooner or later," she still walks by my side and it is getting to me nerves.

"Oh that's nice, so who are you looking for?"

'That's nice?'

'THAT'S NICE?!?' Why would I want to take the throne, my freedom will be taken away and I would have sit down and become a man who will know nothing but to be strict and follow rules.

"Well I don't know yet, I will see when I find someone I'm interested in." Ebony nodded as she was expecting a different answer. "Well I got to go, thanks for the good talk," she flew off in the other direction.

"Good talk my ass." I continue walking and until I reached the top of the mountain to sit down and think.

Some people think I'm too young, some people think it's about time. Many people would want to know about my taste in women. I feel like they are all after the wealth and royalty I have and that's what I don't want from my significant other.

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