Summer Fling • Hongbin •

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(A/N: MAJOR SMUT ALERT!! I'm pretty sure that this is my first time, doing a smut which is hella long, so hopefully it will be worth it hehehe)

For VIXX_UKISS I am sorry for the delay of posting, I've been so busy the past few days/weeks. Hopefully you and all the readers will enjoy this :)


Sadly my mother had to put me in summer camp, so I can improve for the next school year. Also she thinks, that I need to be out socialising with other people my age. Which is pure bullsh*t.

My father didn't help with it at since all he said was, "Listen to your mother."

Yeah, thanks for the support. Great, now I will be stuck in classrooms doing useless work that I will forget when I blank out before a exam. "Make sure you follow what's on the list." There was a couple of papers of information regarding about the summer school. I went to the garage and also took out the suitcase as I will be staying there for a while.

Hopefully I will get my own room or non-shitty people.

"Summer Clothes."
"Outdoor activity clothes?"

Yet there is your notebooks, pens and pencils.

I packed whatever it's said on the list and made sure that I ticked off everything. "Great, for the next 2-3 weeks I will be with a bunch of people I don't even know. I would be blessed if there was somebody I know.


"Sunscreen?" I nodded

"Hat?" I nodded.

"Phone?" I nodded.

"Snacks?" I nodded.

Basically she nearly said everything on the list before I kiss my parents goodbye. It's not your legit camp experience since we have cabins and what not. There were many people my age or at least what I think it is.

I walk around with my luggage into the meeting place where everyone will greet each other and get to know each other. I entered this building where many people were but it didn't fill up the whole building. They had suitcases like me, so I felt like I was going in the right direction.

I felt hesitant walking in since I didn't want many people looking at me, I look to my right; staff are having a conversation. Left; hall, basketball court, volleyball court whatever sport you play inside is the meeting place.

"Hey, I will be fine." I hear a guy with its parents who seems like they are paranoid to let their son go. "Okay, stay safe son."

I stood in the same place and still took breaths, "Ouch." I turn back and see his person looking around the area without my notice. "Ohh I'm sorry, Hongbin," he took out his hand and shook it. "Hello Y/N, nice to meet you." Hongbin smiled and it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

"Are you nervous?" I nodded. "Same, let's go together." I smiled and we dragged our luggages into the hall filled with noise of other people. "Let's stay closer to the group, before we get told off."

I would have to say that he is extremely handsome and I've fallen for his kindness and good looks. But due to that reason he might have a girlfriend already, I would he surprised if he didn't though. We continued talking until the person in charge of us came in gave instructions.

"As there will be summer activities, we don't expect you to wear smart casual, it is hot so dress for the weather. You'll be provided with t-shirts for working which will be in the cabin you'll be staying in."

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