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After the day Jera met Daniel's friends, they encourage her to tell the truth and to not shy about of her work. So, she tell her friends about it and of course, they accepted it.

There are many problems in Jera's life, but it solved one by one. She doing well at school and at her work place. She even became one of the smartest students at school.

She knows how to enjoy her life.

How about Seongwoo? He came back to his old personality just like when he met Jera for the first time.

Jera glad that Seongwoo came back to his normal personality even though Seongwoo never tell her what made him stay quiet near her for a long time.

2 years later..

"I can't believe we graduated already," Yoora said.

"Yeah, I'll miss the moments here," Jera said.

"It's too fast," Hyeyoung said.

Then the three of them hugging each other.

"Let's be success and meet each other again," Yoora said.

Jera realized Yoora's tears.
"Don't cry-" Jera hugged her.

Suddenly they heard a fake cough.

They turned their head.

"Oh,hey, Daniel and Seongwoo," Hyeyoung said.

Both Daniel and Seongwoo smiled.

"Hey how about have a lunch together as our goodbye party?" Seongwoo suggests.

"Sure, I'll invite Jihoon too," Hyeyoung said.

Jihoon came after minutes. Then, the six of them went to a cafe near their school.

They eat lunch together and had so much fun. They throw jokes, talk about their life,and stuffs.

"Hey, let's go to Jeju as our last holiday together before we enter the collage," Yoora said.

"Oh,that's nice. Let's go!" Jera said.

All of them agree to go to Jeju.

"Okay,so we'll go at Saturday and came back at Thursday?" Jihoon said while checking the ticket price on a web.

"Yup, I'll reserve the villa," Yoora said.



They arrived at their villa after an hour flight and a 45 minutes ride on a minibus.

After took some rest and eat lunch, they decided to enjoy the beach near the hotel.

The white sand and clear blue water impressed them at first sight.

"Before we swim and do other water activities, let's take a group photo," Daniel said.

They nodded. Then they took some group photos. After that, they started to do water activities.

Meanwhile Jera sit on the sand along with Seongwoo.

"The view here is really nice. Right, Jera?" Seongwoo said.

Jera nodded and smiled.

"Seongwoo, don't you want to swim or something?" Jera said.

"Yeah, maybe later," he said.

They stay quiet for a while until Yoora and Hyeyoung came to them and force Jera to swim with them playfully.

"Alright guys, stay calm," Jera giggled. "Seongwoo, I'll go with them now," Jera said.

"Yeah. Be careful when you swim," he grinned.

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