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I still wonder about why does Seongwoo talk less than before?

Even when we went home together, he didn't talk much or more like he only answered my questions but when it comes with "Why are you so quiet?" He'll answer with "Nothing," .

Seongwoo POV

I heaved a deep breath.  It's such a tiring day.

Not only for my body, but also for my heart. Seeing her talk to Daniel with so much fun is kinda hurt me.

It's different when she talk to me. She looks way more happier with him.

There's such an unusual feeling inside me.

Am I jealous? But why must I jealous? Daniel is my friend too. He won't hurt Jera. I know him for years.

Or is this because..

I'm falling for her?


Author's POV

Jera dragged her legs to the class. She looks sad.

"Ya,why does your expression like that?" Hyeyoung asked.

"Nothing..," Jera said.

"She's lying. Just tell us,Jera. We'll help you," Yoora held Jera's hand.

"Hm..am I did something wrong yesterday?" Jera asked.

"Yesterday? Hm..I think not. We enjoyed our picnic,right?" Hyeyoung said.

"Then, why does Seongwoo stay quiet? It's not like him. Is there anything that makes him sad or something?" Jera asked.

"Does Seongwoo really stay quiet? But he acts normal in front of us. He even told us some jokes when he talked to us," Yoora said.

"I think he only stay quiet in front of you," Hyeyoung said. "But why?"

"I think I know something," Yoora said that makes Jera and Hyeyoung staring at her.

"What is it?" Jera said.

"I have to prove it first. I won't tell someone about something that I haven't prove. It can be right but it also can be wrong," Yoora said.

"I really don't want to ruin our friendship..," Jera mumbled.

"Ya,smile. I'm sure he'll tell you why,"  Hyeyoung smiled.

Jera smiled back.

"Fighting Jera," Yoora said.


"You guys go home first. I'll search for Seongwoo," Yoora said.

Hyeyoung and Jera nodded.

"I heard from his neighbor that he's not at home. So,he maybe here. Thank you and sorry,Yoora," Jera said.

"Nah, It's okay," Yoora said.

Then she started to search for Seongwoo.

From the classes to the art and music room, she still can't find Seongwoo for minutes.

"Ah, I'm tired..where to find you,Seongwoo?" She said to herself.

Then, a place popped up on her mind.

the rooftop

She thought.

She ran to the rooftop.

After opened the door, she searched for Seongwoo.

She saw a familiar figure. She stepped closer.

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