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defdann : wanna meet up?



Since school will start 2 days more, I decided to go to Hongdae.

No. I'm not meeting that 'defdann' person 'cause we just knew each other for like an hour even though we chatted like we knew each other for a long time.

After a 20 minutes ride on the bus, I finally arrived.

Woah,this place is pretty crowded. Music beats heard along the way there. There are a lot of teenagers here.

Then I heard some people squealing.

I turned my head and see a crowd. Or more like a crowd full of girls?

I decided to join the crowd. Just wanna see what the girls squealing for actually.

Woah,nice. It's like a street dance group.

They're b-boying, do hip hop dance, also they danced to some songs with slow beats.

But I think the girls are not squealing for their skills only. But also because of their handsome faces.

"Nice!" I clapped my hands.

I put some money in the small box they served. Yeah, they deserved it.

"Thanks,miss! Have a nice day!" One of them said.

"You guys too! Fighting!" I grinned.

Then I went out of the crowd.

Nice people with handsome face? Who didn't want that?? I wish I got a boyfriend like one of them lol.


After eat some foods in the restaurant, I decided to buy a perfume.

Woah, these perfume store is big! Like 3x bigger than in Daegu.

"Miss, want to have a test on our new products? It's our new perfume with flowers and fruits scent. It will suit the summer!" One of their staff asked me.

"Woah, sure,"

"Come, I'll lead you to our new products rack,"

I followed her. After we arrived at the rack, I smell the perfume one by one.

Suddenly I saw a familiar figure standing in front of the shop's rack.

"Seongwoo?" I tried to call him even though I'm afraid if he's the wrong person.

That person turned back to face me.

And yup, he's Seongwoo.

"Jera? Woah,it's really you. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm searching for a new perfume. And you?" I asked him back.

"Same here. By the way,I think I got one which will really suits you," he smiled.

"Really? Which one is that?" I asked him.

"This one," he took the tester.

"Oh, lemon scent? Why is that?" I asked him.

"Cause I think you're very cheerful and really fresh like a lemon," he said. "Also a cutie," he continued.

I felt that my cheeks became more red and I turned back so he can't see my red cheeks.

I'm not falling for this guy,right?

"Hey,ya, why you turned backㅡ" he stopped his words after saw my red cheeks. "Pft, what's with that red cheeks,huh?huh?" He asked.

"N-nothing! Imma buy this perfume then-" I said.

He circled his hand around my shoulders in a sudden.

"Now, pick one perfume that suits myself," he said.

"Whaㅡ" I stopped after saw his serious face.

"Pick." He said.

"Yeah,yeah,whatever. Hmm..how about this? It's blueberry scent," I said.

He smelled the tester.

"Nice. I'll take this one then," he said.

After we paid for the perfumes, we decided to eat dinner together.

"Hey, you have TalkGu?" Seongwoo asked me.

"Yeah, you have one too?"

"Yup, my username is ongwoossi," he answered.

"Woah, I'll add you then! Mine is shineera," I said. "Don't forget to add me back!"

"Of course~ hey, there's the cafe," he pointed at a small but aesthetic cafe.

"Yay! Let's go to eat! I'm craving for desserts!" I said then walked faster.


"What did you said,sir?" I turned back and glared to him.

"It's nothing~Let's go to eat!" He screamed pretty loud.

Well, It's just about two days since we knew each other because of a frappe accident but it feels like we're best friends.

Or will one of us feel something  more than friend in our heart?


2 days later..

It's my first day at school! I felt really happy since I got a lot of holidays.

I got 2 friends already. Their names are Hyeyoung and Yoora. They are such a nice person.

Oh,and about 'defdann', I'm still chatting with him! He's pretty nice. Glad being friend with him.


The bell rang. It's time to break.

Me,Hyeyoung and Yoora are on our way to class after we ate some foods at the canteen.

"Uh,guys, I think I should go to the toilet. Just wait for me in the class," I said to them.

"Sure. Just be fast, 'cause there are more stories that I want to tell you!" Hyeyoung said.

"Okay! Just wait for me!" I said.



I'm on my way to the class when suddenly someone called me. Or more like called me with my username?

I turned back to see a guy that probably called me. He has a light brown hair which suits him.

By the way, how can he knew my TalkGu username? I don't even know this guy tho.

He smirked.

"Uh..sorry?" I said.

"You're shineera,aren't you?" He stepped closer to me.

"Uh..yeah," I said. "Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm D,"


"Kang D,"

My head blanks for a while.

Is it really him?


Author's Note

Heyho~ It's already the third chapter :")) please enjoyed it!

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment~ if you have suggestion(s) for my story, just leave it in the comment section. Thank you~♡♡♡

between OngNiel || osw - kdnl Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt