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      Once upon a time, long, long after Rapunzel's hair grew eighty feet. After Merida fought for her own hand. After Ariel married her land-boy. And long, long, long after Hercules went from zero-to-hero, our story begins.

     Twenty years ago, Belle married her Beast in front of six-thousand of her closest family-friends, which is more than the amount of people I will meet in my entire life.

     Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected King of the United States of Auradon, which is kind of a rip-off if you ask me.

   He rounded up all the villains, sidekicks, basically everyone cool, and he banished them to the
Isle of The Lost with a magical dome to keep them there. Where they have been trapped for twenty long years.
   Home, not-so-sweet, home. This is where I grew up, yeah, it wasn't much. But we had lots of fun, the first seventeen years of my life were spent stealing, vandalizing, fighting, and just being down right evil...what a blast, right?

  Anyways, that was not what a lot of the other villains thought, especially not my dad. I used to hear him pacing around in his room, plotting a way off this prison-island.

   But, there was no way out...or so we thought.

   Hang on, I know you're dying to meet us, but first this happened.

     Prince Ben's green eyes focused intensely on the island that lay out in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by a stormy barrier. He kept having dreams about the home of all the villains, and a specific person who lived there. The girl with the smokey-blue hair.

    He barley noticed that he was being fit for his coronation suit, until the royal tailor forced his head away from the window. Ben rolled his eyes as the man measured his head for the crown, but kept his mouth shut.

   "How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month?" Ben looked away from the window and towards his parents, the king and queen as they walked towards him, arms linked.

    The beast shook his head in disbelief, "You're just a baby!" Ben smirked at his father's teasing and shook his head, casing the tailor to move it back in place.

    "He's turning sixteen, dear." Belle reminded her husband, her voice as light and kind as ever.

    "Hey, pops." Ben greeted, making sure not to move and face the tailor's annoyance.

    "Sixteen?" The Beast questioned, removing his glasses as he talked to both his wife and son, "That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least forty-two."

    The queen scoffed, "Uh, you decided to marry me at twenty-eight." Belle reminded the man

   "Well, it was either you or the teapot." His father winked at Ben, causing the prince to chuckle as he imagined his father being married to the kind cook Mrs. Potts.

    Belle however, was not amused.

   "Kidding." The Beast promised his wife, she only hummed in agreement as she looked through the tailor's fabric choices.

    "Mom, dad-" Ben went to move closer to his parents, but was stopped by the tailor letting out a noise of disagreement, "I've chosen my first official proclamation." Ben continued as he cast a look towards the Isle, almost for support.

  "I've decided that the children on the Isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon." His parents' smiles immediately vanished and Belle dropped the blue blazer she was holding to the ground.

   The prince stepped forward, ignoring the tailor, "Every time I look towards the Isle I feel like they've been abandoned."

    "The children of our sworn enemies living among us?" The Beast asked in disbelief as he tried to get the idea through his head.

    Ben nodded, "We start out with a few first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them."

    "Have you?" The Beast asked his son rhetorically, there was no way he would let the children of villains invade his kingdom.

   Belle reached out and put a hand on her husband's, "I gave you a second chance." She reminded the beast before looking to her only child, "Who are their parents?"

  "Cruella De Vil...Jafar...Evil Queen..., Ben took a deep breath in, he knew these two could be a major deal breaker, "Hades and Maleficent."

   At the very mention of the two names the tailor dropped his notepad, letting out a yelp.

    "Maleficent?" The Beast growled out, like the name left a bitter taste on his tongue, "She is the worst villain in the land!"

   "Dad, just hear me out here." Ben pleaded, but the Beast shook his head.

   "I won't hear of it." The tailor bowed quickly, before bolting out of the door, not wanting to present during one of the king's rage sessions.

   "And Hades, the ruler of the underworld! These villains are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

   "Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" The Beast only looked down, "Dad?"

    The king looked over at his wife, who nodded, "I suppose their children are innocent."

    Belle smiled as she walked up to her son, straightening his jacket, "Well. Well done."

    Ben gave her a nervous smile, and nodded at his father as the two left the room, leaving Ben alone with his thoughts. 

     He walked towards the window, looking out of it, then down to his family ring, before looking back at the Isle of The Lost.

   Things were about to change.

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