Seven Potters and a Lupin (2)

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because I love you guys so much I'm gonna starting writing this again <3


*Jordan's POV**

Mum gives me a stern look as i join the breakfast table. 

"Where's Lily?" I ask innocently taking a sip of juice.

"You little dick-head." 

Oh, isn't she lovely? 

"Lily!" Dad says, cearly shocked.

James, Albus and Amelia laugh.

Teddy looks down at his cereal, clearly uncomfortable.  

"Yes?" I turn around pleasantly. "Can I help you?"

Lily walks over and grabs my collar. "You know exactly what I want!"

"Lily, put your brother down." Mum says tiredly. 


"Lily, now!"

Lily groans and chucks me back in my chair. "Gee Lil, you need anger management classes."

"No, I just need you to stop pissing me off!"

"Kids!" Mum cries. "You're giving me gray hairs!"

"Lily is." I mumble and she glares at me. 

Teddy stands up quickly. "I-um, I've finished. He backs away and heads up to his room. 

"Good one Lil." I mutter. Teddy hates seeing us argue, in front of my parents I mean. He eggs me on if we're alone.

"Anyway." Dad says trying to break the tension. "We better get going soon, we have to be at the platform at 11."


**James' POV**

It's a strange sensation. wheeling a wheelchair into a brick wall. Even though i know i'll go through it, it still gives me the jitters. 

I make it onto the platform, and then I see her.

Ebony Malfoy. 

Man, she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. If only she'd notice me...which she won't

No one notices a guy in a wheelchair.


nawwww, it's ok james :'(

Promise you'll never leave me [a Harry Potter and Hermione Granger love story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora