Chapter 22

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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! hope u love this chappie!!!

oh and i'd like to dedicate this chapter to fia-e-ia, she's been following this story for ages and seems to comment on every chapter! thanks so much :) and please check out her storys.. they're AMAZING


Ok just letting you guys know, I’m a little of sick of writing third person so it’s going into first person ;) also, I’ll be writing in the present tense :D J


I laugh as Teddy crawls across the carpet, gleefully spitting bubbles from his mouth. “Don’t do that.” I scold him while smiling and pick him up. He immediately struggles in my arms and points to the floor. I frown and put him down.

“He feels safe down there.” Hermione says and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

“Mmm.” I mumble as he crawls around in circles.

Teddy then stops and points at the t.v. with a frustrated look on his face.

“I think he wants to watch some sesame street.” Hermione grins and switches it on. Teddy stares at the t.v. in intense concentration. I join him and he crawls into my lap, and then starts babbling some nonsense when Bert and Ernie come on the screen.

“I love you.” I whisper and kiss the top of his head.

Teddy laughs and waves his hands.  

“So I was thinking Hermione…”

“That’s a good habit to get into Harry.”

I glare at Hermione and continue. “I was thinking we could take Teddy to visit the Weasley’s.”

“What? Why?”

“I just thought he’d like it.”

“I dunno Harry…”

“Molly would like it.”

She sighs as she realizes I’m right. Despite Hermione and myself not marrying into her family like she would’ve liked, Molly Weasley doesn’t have a problem with our engagement. 

“Excellent!” I clap my hands. “Shall I write to them?”

Hermione nods and takes Teddy out of my arms. “Come on Teddy, bath time!”

Teddy cries and reaches back to me. I laugh. “I guess he doesn’t like baths.”

Hermione frowns at me. “Well he’s going to have one.”

“Quick run Teddy!” I cry.       

“Very funny Harry.”

“Yeah well I got a letter to write, have fun bathing!”

Hermione snorts. “As if.”



Errol flies into the lounge while I knit. Sighing, I remove the letter from his leg. A smile spreads across my face as I read it. “Percy, George get down here!” There’s a loud crack and they apparate in front of me. “Must you use magic for everything?” I mutter.

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