Chapter 16

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The sudden assembly surprised most students. They silently filed into the great hall and stood in the houses, Snape standing at the front witch the Carrow’s standing either side of him.

Harry was well hidden between the Gryffindor sixth and seventh years. He stole a quick glance at Snape and an immense feeling on hatred swirled in his stomach. He would kill him.

Snape then addressed the students. Harry had had been sighted at Hogsmeade and practically dared them to assist Harry and keep his location hidden. “If you know anything about Potter’s whereabouts.” Snape drawled. “Step forward…now.”

Everyone then turned their necks as somebody stepped from the crowd, a few students gasped. It was someone who wasn’t afraid, wasn’t backing down.

It was Harry.

“It seems, you have a major security issues headmaster.” Harry said.

The doors then opened, revealing Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, the Weasley’s and other members of the Order.

Snape’s mouth opened in slight shock and Harry smirked.

“How dare you stand where he stood?” He yelled at Snape. “Tell them. Tell them how you looked him the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him!”

Snape drew his wand and stepped forward as the students rushed to the side anxiously. Professor McGonagall then jumped in front of Harry and drew her own wand. They duelled, then Snape crashed through the window and disapparated.

Everyone started to cheer, when a piercing scream filled the air. Harry searched for the source, when another scream came. Then, the voice of Voldemort came, demanding that Harry Potter be brought to him.

“Go on them, somebody grab him.”

Hermione glared at Pansy Parkinson and stepped in front of Harry protectively. She was quickly joined by Ron, Ginny and the rest of the Gryffindor students and a few Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students including Cho Chang and Ernie McMillian.

Filch then entered the room and was ordered by McGonagall to take the Slytherin students to the dungeon.

That’s when the panic started, Voldemort and the Death Eaters were coming to Hogwarts, And it’s all my fault, Harry thought miserably as students rushed past him and the other professors and members of the Order began to cast defensive spells around the castle.

“Harry, I’ve been thinking.”

It was Hermione who interrupted his thoughts.


“I think I know what the last Horcrux is.”

Harry turned to face who. “What, what is it?” he asked excitedly.

‘”Well you know how you thought some of the Horcruxes  had something to do with the four houses of Hogwarts…”

“What’s your point?” Harry asked impatiently.

Promise you'll never leave me [a Harry Potter and Hermione Granger love story]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora