Chapter 4

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Hey! i saw my story has over 150 reads! THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH :D lol here's the latest chappie...


“Harry, breakfast!” said Hermione, then looking uncertainly at the small bunch of berries that she found outside in the snow clogged bushes. “Or what could be breakfast.” She added sheepishly.

When she heard no reply, she walked over to Harry’s bed. It was empty.

“Harry?” She called hesitantly, walking slowly back into the lounge. “Are you there?”

“What if the death eaters got him?” She thought desperately. “Or worse what if Voldermort has him?” Her heart was now racing. “What if he’s dead?”

Hermione shook her head. No he couldn’t be dead. Hundreds of horrible situations entered her mind.

“Harry where are you?!” She cried.

Any icy chill ran down her back, she turned sharply, seeing nothing. Tears were streaming down her face now.

Where was he?

Hermione then felt a hand on her cheek, then she was wrapped around in someone’s arms. Hermione screamed

Harry slipped off the invisibility cloak and grinned cheekily. Hermione stared at him for second, then blubbered, “Harry James Potter you complete ARSE, you have no idea how worried I was, I thought You-know-who  had gotten you!” She collapsed into his arms shaking.

“Well it’s nice to know how much you care about me.” He laughed and kissed her head.  

Hermione sniffed then looked up at Harry. “You’ll never realize how much I care about you.”

Harry smiled again and kissed her softly on the lips.

“Come on, I thought we were gonna practice Apparating under the invisibility cloak.”

Hermione nodded and walked outside hand in hand with Harry.


Harry and Hermione practiced outside for hours, occasionally stopping for the quick kiss.   

“Hermione, let’s go inside now, it’s freezing, I’m cold and hungry.”

Hermione grabbed his hand firmly. “Just a few more minute.”

Harry groaned and slipped the cloak back on, then an idea formed in his head.

He leant down and gently kissed Hermione’s neck. “I love you, let’s go inside now.” He whispered.

Hermione shuddered at his touch. “O-ok.”

Harry grinned triumphantly, took her hand and led her back to the tent.

“Hey, wait, I said a few more minutes!” Hermione seemed to come back to her senses.

Harry smirked. “I win!”

They walked into the tent; Harry collapsed on his bed. “Make me some food!” He called to Hermione.

She snorted. “Make it yourself.”

Hermione switched the Radio on out of habit and sat in the chair.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Harry sat up.

“Uh, sorry, I didn’t know sitting in a chair was forbidden.” She stifled a grin.

“No.” Harry stood up. “Aren’t you meant be to on watch?”

“Excuse me?” Hermione folded her arms. “You’re the one who stopped practice.”

“Yeah exactly, I wanted to be inside.”

Hermione sat down again.

“So are you going or not?”


“Fine, have it your way.” Harry sneered then lunged at Hermione. She squealed and dodged his “attack”.

“Not wise Hermione Granger.” Harry jeered and drew out his wand.

“You’re not serious are you?” Hermione gawked. She grabbed out her wand as Harry drew his.

“STUPEFY!” She shouted before Harry could blink.

The spell missed him by inches.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Harry, it was instinct I didn’t think you were serious!”

 Hermione covered her mouth at the sight of Harry’s dazed face.

A few seconds later Harry grinned. “You’re paying for that.” He said and ran to her.

“But I didn’t get you!” She cried as she avoided him.

He chased her around in circles for ages until she tripped over the rug.

Harry smiled victoriously and picked her up.

“HARRY, let go!” Hermione shrieked, thrashing about.

He dropped her onto her bed laughing. Pinning her down he said, “Regretting that stunning spell now, aren’t we?”

“Let me go, NOW!” Hermione said as she unsuccessfully tried to get up.

“Not until you say I’m the hottest wizard you have ever seen!”

Hermione smiled. “You know I think you’re the hottest wizard I’ve ever seen.” She then leant up and kissed him.

He kissed her back, then let go, breathing hard.

Hermione quickly got up and dashed to the other side of the room.

“Hah!” She sniggered at Harry’s bewildered face. “I win!”


hope u liked it! hehe they're so cute together!

so i might be able to upload tomorrow during or after school

depends on how crappy my teachers are, um i have humanities, maths and german

so u'll probs get a chapter during scholl *wink face*

please vote fan and comment! :D


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