Chapter 12

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HEY! this story has had like 1700 reads! thats sooo cool haha

oh and pleaseeee read my other hp fanfic called The Other World!- THANKS :)


For the next few days Harry did not want to talk to anyone. Ron along with Bill had tried speaking to him. Harry would simply retreat to an empty room and bolt the door when they did so.

“It wasn’t your fault he died.” Bill would continually tell him.

 “He would’ve rather being dead and you alive instead you dying.” Ron would say.

Fleur would be concerned about his health and constantly offer him food.

To him, Hermione, it seemed, was the most understanding. She would sit in silence with him for hours, just to keep him company. Not pester him with countless comments about him not being guilty.

Inside, all she really wanted to do was hold him and tell him everything was going to be ok. She just didn’t know that it was. Harry had loved Dobby so much. They still had Horcruxes to find and destroy. Voldemort was gaining followers and it seemed that Snape was ruining Hogwarts.

Yes, things were bad but they couldn’t lose faith, not now.


It was midday and Harry had just gotten into one of his horrible moods. He ignored Ron calling him back and walked into the nearest room. Ron didn’t follow him this time.

”What’s with him?” He asked Hermione.

She glared at him. “What’s wrong with him? His friend just died Ronald!”

“Yeah well he was my friend too.”

“You are the most insensitive person I have ever met!” She walked to the door then turned back to Ron. “Including Malfoy!”

Ron snorted and walked outside muttering something angrily.

Hermione knocked on the door. “Harry?” She said quietly. “It’s me.”

“Come on.” Came Harry’s muffled voice through the door.

She opened the door and sat on the bed beside the chair he was sitting in. They sat there in silence for a few minutes when Harry turned to her.

“Thank you.”  He whispered and took her hand.

She smiled. “I did it for you.”

Harry then leant forward and kissed Hermione softly. “Where’s Ron?” He whispered, centimetres away from her lips. “Outside.” She replied whispering.

Harry kissed her again harder than the last. She grabbed his hair and pulled him closer, intensifying the kiss.

Harry then felt the happiest he had felt for days. Here, with Hermione, the only person he wanted to be with.


“Now you’re sure it’s hers?” Harry examined the black hair in Hermione’s hand.


“How’d you get it?” Ron put in.

Harry was now speaking again. Ron had apologized and was now less of a git. Still a git, but not as much. They had also spoken to Olivander and learned that Voldemort had the Elder wand. They also spoke to Griphook and he had agreed to help them break into Gringotts.

“I got it when she tortured me, at Malfoy Manor.” Hermione said quietly.

Harry shuddered, remembering Hermione’s loud piercing screams.

“You sure you want to do this? Because you don’t have to.” He said to Hermione.

She nodded. “We have to do this.”


hope u liked it! sorry it was short... couldn't think of anything else LOL the next chapter will be SUPER LONG!

please vote fan and comment! :D


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