Chapter 6

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Hey! sorry it took a while to update, been busy with school, exams, studying and heaps of C.A.T.S. (Common assistant tasks) yeah so enjoy. oh and you might be thinking i'm just rewriting the Deathly Hallows,but i'm gonna add bits and get rid of some so yeah...........haha ;)


Hermione sat up as soon as Harry left the tent. Her eyes filled with tears again. She knew he was angry at her, despite what he said. His face was so easy to read. She then felt her eyes begin to droop. Sighing, she leant back down and closed her eyes, wishing that it was all a dream.


Harry sat down on a large stone outside. He took out Hermione’s wand and pointed it at a spider that was passing by.

“Engorgio.” He muttered. The wand gave a feeble spark, but that was all. Harry shook his head angrily and almost threw the wand away. “It’s Hermione’s wand.” He told himself. He tried not to feel angry at her. It wasn’t her fault. If she hadn’t done it, he would be with Voldemort, probably dead by now. “A blessing in disguise.” He told himself firmly.


Harry spun around. He swore he had heard someone. “Hello?” He called tentatively.

You ok Harry?” Hermione shouted from inside the tent.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Harry replied not taking his eyes off from where he had heard the sound.

“So you don’t need me to come out there?”

Harry smiled. “No I’m fine.”


Harry stood up and drew Hermione’s wand. He walked forward silently; not wanting to disturb Hermione again.

The forest was dark, quiet, too quiet.

Harry walked on, not knowing where he was going. He emerged in a large clearing, about the size of a basketball court. He could better now. No one was in sight. “I probably imagined it.” Harry thought and sat on a log.

The clearing then went dark.

Harry looked up then made a choking sound.  It was them. The dementors. He drew the wand and thought of his happiest memory.

“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” He shouted and was amazed when the silver stag shot out of the wand. That thought broke his concentration. The retreating dementors returned, knocking him over.

“E-expecto patronum.” A weak silver wisp came from the wand then died out. “Expect-expecto pat-patronum.” Nothing happened.

“No-no.” Harry thought wildly. The dementers were closing in. Closer, closer.

The silver doe came from nowhere.

It rushed past him, driving the dementers away. Harry stood up shakily, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. He looked around, trying to see who had conjured the patronus.

Nothing but the doe was there.

“Wait, the doe?” Harry thought.

He watched it for a while before it walked off. His curiosity got the better of him and he decided to follow it. It led him to a smaller clearing; a small pond in the middle. The doe stopped at the middle of the pond. Harry peered in. There it was. The sword of Godric Gryffindor.

The pond was deep, too deep for Harry to reach in and grab it. Harry sighed and realized what he had to do. He slipped of his coat, shirt and pants.

Promise you'll never leave me [a Harry Potter and Hermione Granger love story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora