Chapter 7

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Helloooooooooooooooooooo! i just saw my story has over 500 reads! THANK YOU ALL SO FREAKING MUCH! anyways... enjoy ;)


Ron entered the tent a few moments later. Hermione took an irritated glance at him and walked into the kitchen.

“Harry, would you like a cup of tea?” She asked and turned the kettle on.

“Uh-I would.” Ron said and sat on the couch.

"Bad move." Harry thought

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Hermione said coldly. “Harry?” She inquired again.

“Um...” Harry looked over at Ron awkwardly. He then turned to Hermione and sighed. She was so beautiful. “Sure.” He smiled.

Hermione smiled back and took out two mugs.

“Thanks a lot mate.” Ron mouthed.

“What?” Harry innocently mouthed back.

Ron shook his head and turned away. Harry seethed in anger. Did Ron really expect them to be over the moon because he had returned? It wasn’t like they adored him, and were anxiously waiting for him to come back. He had ditched them!



“Your tea.” Hermione passed him a mug, then looked at him curiously. “Are you ok, you seemed a little spaced out?” She said quietly.

Harry nodded. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He lowered his voice. “It’s just that stupid git over there.”

Hermione sighed and nodded. “I’m sure he’ll come around.” She said uncertainly.

Harry shook his head. “It’s that not it’s.” Harry paused. “It’s just, you know, not telling him about “us”, I mean if he finds out…’ Harry lowered his voice even more. “He may leave for good.”

“Which might not be a bad thing.” He thought to himself.

“You really think he would?”

“Well, if all Weasley’s act the same.”

“What do you mean?”

“You should’ve seen Ginny’s face when I ended it with her.” Hermione flinched slightly at the mention of Ginny’s name. “I mean she was devastated.” Harry glanced at Hermione’s somewhat annoyed face. “I mean who wouldn’t, I’m so handsome.” Hermione laughed. “And, I’m really glad I did.” Harry touched her arm gently. “Harry.” She whispered. “Ron!”

Thankfully, the radio was absorbing all of Ron’s attention. He then switched it off and stood up. “I’m going to bed.” He announced.

Ron walked to his bed and hid his head under the blanket.

Harry grinned and kissed Hermione fervently. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

They pulled apart quickly when Ron stirred in his sleep.

Harry sighed, still smiling. “It’ll be harder now.” He whispered. Hermione nodded sadly.

“We’ll make him do first watch tomorrow.” Harry promised. Hermione smiled shyly. “I would like that.” Harry pecked her on the lips. “Come on now, we better get to bed.


“Harry get up.” Hermione shook him gently.

Harry sat up and rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?” He mumbled.

“Um, Nine.” She said then noticed the heavy bags under his eyes. “Did you sleep at all?”

Harry shook his head. “Not one bit.”

“Oh well, I better make some breakfast.” She said skipping to the kitchen, first stopping to glare at Ron.

“Hey there.” He walked over to Harry looking awkward. “ i.” He shifted from foot to foot.

“Spit it out Ronald.” Hermione called from the kitchen.

“I-I’ll do the first watch.” He went to leave the tent then turned back. “Oh here.” He held out a wand. “I just happened to bring it.”

Harry took it wordlessly. “That had been so easy!” He thought.

“Yeah-so, I’ll be going.” Ron walked out of the tent and Harry waved absentmindedly.

Hermione then came and bounced on his bed. “That was weird.” She commented.


She leant forward and kissed Harry. He moved closer and lightly grabbed her arms.


“He has got to stop doing that!” Hermione said as they pulled apart.

Harry laughed. “Maybe he senses it.” He said then saw Hermione’s alarmed expression. “But I’m sure he doesn’t.” He added hastily.

Hermione forced a smile.

“How about..we-uh, cuddle instead?”

Hermione raised her eyebrow

“Oh come on, it’s not like he’ll hear that.”

“Who said anything about him hearing us?”

Harry groaned. “You know what I mean.”

Hermione laughed and snuggled under his arm. “This is nice.” She mumbled.

“It is isn’t it?”

They were silent for a bit.

“I love you Harry.” Hermione whispered.

“I’m hungry make a sandwich.”

Hermione sat up and hit Harry’s arm. “You ruin everything!” She cried and hit him again.

“Hey,relax, sheesh, I was joking…gosh you’re so cute!” Harry grinned.

Hermione pulled his shirt and kissed him, he lay beside her, their lips locked.

“I love you too Hermione.” He whispered into her ear. He felt her body tremble. “And I promise I’ll never leave you.”


hope u liked it :) and sorry if the kissing/love scenes seem weird, it just feels a little awkward to i'm sure i'll get used it it!

oh and sorry if it was short, i just thought that was i nice point to end the chapter on

AND... 1 more- i'm not sure if you've read my other HP fanfic called the newcomer, welllll, i was thinking i might make that the sequel to this (not exactly the same of course) so what do you think? i really apprreciate all your comments! :D

remember please vote fan and comment!!!


Promise you'll never leave me [a Harry Potter and Hermione Granger love story]Where stories live. Discover now