Chapter two-six.. twenty-six!

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hey guys! I LOVE NAOMI SCOTT <3

anyways...... haha... so i'm currently planning another story (not hp) and i'll most likely write that when this is over- so you may have to wait a while for the sequel to this (:

anywhoooo pleeeeae read the into...

The new Life- Kepler-22b

December 5 2011, NASA announced the discovery of a new planet; Kepler-22b. This planet was similar to Earth, with a liveable temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. None of us paid any attention though, why would we? NASA makes these discoveries all the time- and they always end up being nothing. What we didn...’t realize, is that this was something. Something that was going to change the world forever. 


now enjoy this chapter :D

oh wait i've got more........

i am currently looking for an editor to edit my new story! <3 if interested please email me at   

cheers :)

now the chapter :D


*Kings cross station*

*Hermione’s POV*

“I can’t believe the holidays are already over.” I groan. “I don’t want to go back.”

Harry kisses me softly. "I know you don't want to, but someone needs to finish their education so they can get a job."

"Yeah but why does it have to be me?"

"You know why."

"Actually I don't, that's why i'm asking."

"It's simple, you have more potential than me."

"Oh come on! That's a load of cr-" Harry interupts me by placing his hand on my mouth. "No bad language near Teddy!" He scolds me.

I glance down at the pram. "He's asleep!"

"So? He can still hear things."

"That's bulls-" I feel Harry's hand cover my mouth again. "Will you stop doing that?" I cry, flinging his hand away.

"Will you stop cursing?"

"Fine." I grumble.

"I love you too." Harry grins as I fold my arms.

"Yeah whatever."


I follow Ginny and Neville into an empty compartment.

"So any news about Ron?" I ask as we sit down.

Ginny shakes her head sadly. "None yet, it's been months now, mum's getting really worried."

Neville places his arm over her shoulder comfortingly. "It'll be ok, he'll come home."

"Maybe he met someone." I wonder aloud.


"Huh? Oh, well i was just thinking, maybe there's something keeping him from coming back."

"So you're saying he hooked up with a girl?"

I shrug my shoulders. "It's a possibility."

Ginny snorts. "No way in hell. Ron's not the kind of guy who runs away with a girl."

"Hermione has a point." Neville says.


"Well, Ron's grudges don't normally last this long, something must've happened to keep him away."

"I'm telling you." I lean back. "He met a girl."

Ginny shakes her head. "You guys are dreaming."


*3 weeks later*

I sit in on bed reading "Hogwarts, A History" for the millionth time. It's what I do when i'm bored.

I then feel a nagging feeling in the back of my brain. Something's not right. I go through a mental check list, potions essay- done, transfigoration homework-done, weekly letter to the Weasley's-done. I then sit up hurriedly. I need a caleneder.

I bound of the bed and rush downstairs into the common room. Ginny's sitting in the corner reading a book.

"GINNY!" I yell and run over to her.

"What?" She says with a startled look on her face.

"I need a calender! Do you have one, or a diary or something?"

"Yeah-here." She hands me her diary and stands up. "So you wanna tell me what's going on?" she aks while I study it.



"Hey-what's up?"

My throat feels dry. "My period is late."


thanks 4 reading i hoped u enjoyed it :D

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