Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

He hunkered above her when she didn't move and just lay in the hot, midge-infested mud. Absolon had settled on her back and was trying to pull her hat back on.

'Dupont.' She didn't move. 'Dupont, come on. Get up.' Fox said, trying his best not to laugh. That would just make her mad.

She stirred and pushed herself onto her knees. Her face was covered in much but her pale skin was burning red. She refused to look at him and pulled Absolon into a tight hug.

'Dupont, just keep goin.' Fox said. 'It's nearly over. We've leavin' this place.'

Her blue eyes flickered to him but she couldn't hold his gaze for long. Her face grew redder.

He sighed lightly and pulled his shirt sleeve down. Carefully he began to wipe away the grime from her face, being careful of her eyes.

'Just try not to fall over.' He said.

Her face snapped to him. 'I do. I was not raised to run wild amongst tress and mud.'

'That's obvious.' Fox muttered and pushed the last of the grime away from her cheek, freeing her soft mouth from dirt.

Instantly Fox found himself staring. He couldn't help himself. He gazed at the slant of her chin, her swan neck, her fully mouth. He found something swelling in his chest, something warm. His gaze flickered to her doe eyes. They were wide, confused, and her cheeks were pink. Abruptly he was focused and pulling himself away with a slight cough.

'Let's go.' He said hurriedly, stepping away and giving her room to stand.

She focused on brushing off her trousers and fixing her hat; avoiding his gaze. She stepped off ahead of him when Catriona called in bewilderment, only just realising she wasn't being followed.

Fox trailed behind, glaring at Dupont's back. He didn't like how his heart was fluttering. His was never flustered when in the presence of a woman; he was always in control. So why not Dupont? He was more attracted to Catriona and her bright smile but he felt normal with her. As if she was any other woman he was interested in for a quick fling.

He decided not to think about it though. There were bigger things going on. As soon as they got into Farmire, they were off towards the Granite Tower.

It wasn't long now. He just hoped it all went to plan.


Esme was still a little flustered by the interaction with Fox. He often did that lately; making her flustered with just a look. It made her abrupt decision to hand the Eye back to him stronger, despite it being a stupid idea. Just didn't know when to bring it up and, before long, two had gone by and they were staring at a pair of tress bowed into a strange door.

Catriona was checking over their bags and making sure she had given them enough to thank them for returning her whistles. Despite Esme still not particularly liking the woman, she realised Catriona hadn't lied. Already Farmire was recovering. People were coming out and children were playing in the roads, happy to be free of vomiting and sickness, while the Wizards were looking perplexed about why the plague suddenly lifted.

It made Esme think about the sealing and that the Towers ignored all magic and knowledge of the Witches. It made her think of her own pre-made judgement. She had decided that Catriona and Glenna were evil and causing the plague simply because of the type of magic they had, just like the Wizards here. It never occurred to her they could possibly be trying to fix it. Only Fox did. She wondered if Cassandra thought the same. She went against all rules of the Towers and left a God alive after all. Maybe she was aware the death penalties passed over Spirits who didn't bond with a Wizard were too harsh. Maybe she wanted to change it.

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