Chapter 5 - The Date

Start from the beginning

"It's my ex, I didn't think she would be here." he said still ducking to avoid being seen.

"Want to get out of here then?" I asked and he nodded.

We started to get up and sneak to the door, hoping they didn't see us since his ex was facing away from the door but the girls friend pointed out Nate.

"Babe!" the girl yelled grinning. Her feet clicked on the floor as she ran into Nate's arms. I raised my eyebrows at him but he wouldn't look at me. She finally stopped hugging him then turned to me.

"Is this that friend you were talking about? Hey! I'm Amber, very nice to meet you." she held out her hand for me to shake. I shook it once.

"Y/N." I said slowly. Nate still wouldn't look at me and I suddenly knew what was going on.

"I have to get going, I forgot to feed my dog before I left." I stated. And with my drink in hand I walked toward the door.

"Well she seems nice." Amber said.

"Wait!" Nate called. I stopped and huffed. I turned around and stared blankly at him.

"What Nate?" I asked.

"Please don't tell her." he whispered as he got closer to me.

"You're unbelievable." I spat. He looked at the ground and didn't say anything. I smiled at Amber and walked over to her.

"Here's my number, let's be friends." I stated with a smile and she nodded. I walked back towards the door without giving Nate a glance.

I was going to have the satisfaction of letting Amber unleash her wrath on him.

I walked out and immediately bumped into a man wearing a suit.

"I'm so sorry I-"

Immediately I knew who it was.

"Mori?" I asked. His eyes widened as he stumbled from the collision.

"Y/N." he said breathlessly.

"Uh hey, didn't know you were still around." I said.

"Yeah, I've always been around. And you're back?" he shifted on his feet.

"Mhm. Got back about 2 days ago. The past few days have been just crazy." we smiled at each other without saying a word.

I suddenly snapped out of my daze and cleared my throat.

"So how are things?" I started walking towards my car.

"Fine, the business is thriving." he said and stuffed his hands into his pockets. My phone suddenly vibrated. It was a text.

Don't forget the food, I'm hungry- Frost

I shook my head and sighed.

"I have to go. Hey, why don't you come over sometime later and we have the whole group over, like old times!" I enthused.

"That sounds great but I have no idea where you live." he stated.

I pulled a pen out of my bag and grabbed his hand.

"May I?" he slowly nodded and I wrote down my address.

"There. Now come over at 7. See ya!" I got in the far and drove off to the store. If I'm having the group over then I'll probably need to make food for everyone.

I walked inside and started to look around.

What should I make? I hardly have an idea of what they like anymore. The college I went to was expensive so I couldn't afford to fly back home besides Christmas, even then it was difficult and I had to be careful with spending money.

Would it be rude to ask? Would that make me a bad friend?

I made my way to the frozen food aisle and grabbed frozen pizzas, this was just for me and Frost since we haven't eaten. I figured I would've ate with my date but well... Nevermind.

"Oh it's you" a woman said sharply making my head snap up to her. My eyebrows scrunched together.

"Aiko? Hello, how are you?" I asked with a fake grin.

"Are you mocking me?" her voice was abnormally annoying with the bandage that she had wrapped around her nose.

"Why would I mock you? It's a waste of time." I stated. I tried to sound genuine since this was Mori's wife.

She eyed me suspiciously but then smiled. I might've fooled her.

"Well I'm doing ok I suppose, got a nose job because I just hated the other one." she said and giggled.

"Well if you're happy with your decision." I said cheerily.

"How are you and Mori doing?" her expression dropped to a blank one.

"I'm glad he's out of my life," she crossed her arms and scoffed. "He was so annoying, he never spoke and he was always tired from running the company to have fun time. Can you believe that?" she ranted.

I shook my head.

Please be done talking.

"Unbelievable." I sighed.

"See I knew you would understand, its a good thing you didn't marry him. Consider it that I did you a favor." she said and patted my shoulder.

"I have to leave, things to do and places to be, goodbye Y/N." she told me and walked off, her heels clicking as she did.

Mori didn't tell me they had a fallout.

I decided that I would just get pizza for the whole group tonight. It made it easier for me.

I grabbed a few more frozen pizzas from the freezer and some soda for us before paying and heading home.

When I got home I immediately spotted an expensive car in my driveway. I struggled with carrying the food and soda inside but when I finally did I sighed. Frost came out dressed in casual clothes.

"I didn't know we would be having company." he said. I gave him a confused look.

When did I tell him about that?

"Someone's waiting for you in the living room." he stated and took one of the cans of soda. I walked to the living room and Mori was there. In my living room.

2 hours early.



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