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Athena was the first to greet Mackenzie and Simon at the door. She immediately dropped to her knees to embrace the dog, Simon filming her as she did. Lewis and Freya weren't working today as it was Sunday or else they would've been the next to greet the new couple. Instead it was Josh, who greeted them by throwing a ping pong ball off of the banister, sending it down from the second story where his room was to the first floor. Mackenzie walked towards the bottom of the twisted staircases and looked up, waving at her brother. "Miss me?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him as Simon came into Josh's view. "Sure. Simon we need to record, come on." Josh disappeared away from the banister, going back into his room. Vik exited his room next that was across from Josh's and waved down at them as they began walking up the first flight of stairs, luggage in tow and Athena right behind them. "Both of you costed me a Nando's." Vik said, jokingly narrowing his eyes at them as they reached the second floor and continued walking to the second set of stairs since both of their rooms were on the third floor. "Not our fault you voted against us." Simon smirked, earning an eye roll from Vik before he, too, disappeared into his room. Once they reached their floor Mackenzie stopped in front her bedroom door, sighing as she stopped walking. "Josh is going to be mad if I keep him waiting. I'll talk to you in a bit." Simon said quietly, placed a kiss on Mackenzie's cheek, and walked into his own room, shutting the door behind him. Mackenzie understood how demanding her brother could be so she didn't even bother questioning it. She smiled to herself once she was in her room. She had tons of fun in LA but she still missed it. Athena ran in behind her and jumped onto her bed. "I'm tired too." She mumbled, joining her dog on the bed. It was too early to sleep, though. If she slept now she would definitely have a sleeping schedule that was totally incompatible with the rest of the guys. And she wanted to be able to see them during the day instead of sleeping when they were awake and then being awake when she slept. So she stood up, stretching as she left her room again and began her way down the stairs quietly. "How was LA?" Vik asked Simon as they got ready to record. "It was nice. As always." Simon smiled. "How was Mackenzie?" Ethan giggled. "I will kick you from this call so quickly." Josh barked. He was speaking to both Simon and Ethan, but mainly Ethan since he brought it up. "Calm down, Josh." Vik laughed, his voice quiet compared to Ethan's roaring laughter. "Fuck off." Josh mumbled. He cleared his throat before speaking again, ignoring the fact Ethan was still laughing. "Simon." He said. "Hm?" Simon hummed as he scrolled through his phone quickly. "She doesn't like roses. They remind her of Mum." Josh said, his voice extremely serious. Simon looked up at his second monitor where the details of the Skype call laid and nodded. "Thanks." He said, feeling a smile on his face. He was glad that Josh was supportive of his new relationship and was even helping him. "It's like you want him to bang your sister." Ethan chuckled. "Mad." Simon muttered. Ethan's laugh was cut off unexpectedly and an awkward silence filled the call. "I fucking told him I'd kick him from the call."


Simon laid awake in his bed alone, staring blankly at the TV screen with bloodshot eyes. He was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he felt it had a lot to do with Mackenzie. He had been sleeping next to her for a whole week and, although it wasn't that long, he had gotten very used to the feeling of having her close to him. He didn't want to go to her room and climb into bed with her in fear of waking her, though. But he felt if he didn't he would actually begin to hallucinate from lack of sleep. That was an exaggeration, of course, but that's how tired he felt. He sat up slowly, using his remote to switch off his TV before swinging his legs over the side of his bed and standing up. He gripped his fully charged phone in his hand as he made his way through the dark room easily, having memorized the layout of it. He opened the door to Mackenzie's room very slowly and quietly, seeing her asleep peacefully with the TV still on and Athena curled up at her feet. A smile tugged on his lips at the sight of her. He still couldn't believed he had managed to pull off someone as wonderful as her. He climbed into bed with her carefully, putting his phone down on her nightstand and reaching across her to grab the remote. She stirred slightly and he held his breath, hoping she wouldn't wake up fully. But her eyes remained closed as he switched off the TV. He wrapped his arm around her waist and buried his face in the back of her neck, instantly feeling his eyes close. If she hadn't been so jet lagged she would've woken up from the touch. Instead she was subconsciously aware that it was Simon and remained asleep. Simon fell asleep almost immediately, his mind fully occupied with the girl in his arms.

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