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You're supposed to just know when you've found the one. The mere thought of them is supposed to make you so happy inside you feel sick. The way your name French kisses their tongue is supposed to make you smile. So what happens if you're really bad at taking hints? They have to show you it themselves. They have to be able show you how much they love you with a simple kiss. If they're unable to do that, they aren't the one. Simon was very much able to do that with a single kiss. So you could've imagined the fire that ignited within them when him and Mackenzie started making out like there was no tomorrow. Regardless of the amount of alcohol in their systems, it was still so full of passion and need for the other person. The amount of emotion flowing through them only increased as it slowly escalated to Simon gently pinning her wrists above her head on the bed and his mouth leaving hers to go to her neck and collarbones. For a split second she pictured Nathan hovering above her and she shut her eyes and reminded herself that it was Simon - someone who genuinely cared about her. "You okay?" Simon asked breathlessly into her ear. Just at the sound of his voice every thought about Nathan was gone. Simon wasn't her first love, but he made her first one very irrelevant. He made it impossible for her to imagine ever being in love with anyone else. "Couldn't be better."


Mackenzie woke up hours before anyone else then next day with only a minor hangover. She immediately put on her bathing suit, not really thinking much of the hickey on her collar bone. It made her blush, though. And she hoped that no one pointed it out because that would inevitably embarrass her. She was lounging in a chair out by the pool on her phone by the time Simon got up, a surge of energy running through his body from the night before. The house was eerily quiet as he made his way down the staircase and towards the pool, where he knew Mackenzie would be. He saw her in a chair that faced away from the door, so she didn't see him come out. It seemed she didn't hear him either because when he placed a kiss on the top of her head she jumped lightly. The sound of his laughter made her relax into the chair again, a smile placed on her lips. "What are you doing?" He asked as he sat down in the chair next to her. She looked back to her phone screen and sighed. "Questioning my friendship with Tobi if I'm honest." She admitted. She had been scrolling through social media for at least half an hour and there were tons of talk about the video he posted on his Snapchat story of her singing. She had barely sang in front of anyone before and he posted it where thousands could see it. The thought made her nervous, even if all the comments she had seen so far were positive. "What? Why?" Simon asked, letting his eyes grazed over her body. He smirked to himself when he saw the hickey he caused on her collarbone. Mackenzie sighed, making his eyes go back up to her face as she went to her Snapchat and clicked on Tobi's name. She handed Simon her phone and he took it slowly, their hands grazing against each other sending waves of electricity through both of their arms. He watched the video with his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't see the problem with the video, since he admired her voice. He thought that the world should feel honored to hear it. "What's the problem?" He asked, handing her her phone again. She shrugged shyly as she took her phone and placed it in her lap. "I've just never really sang in front of people and so many people have seen it and everyone's talking about it." She said quietly, avoiding Simon's eyes by looking out at the pool and view in front of them. "Well I can tell you now that if anyone's being a dick about it they're dumb. Your voice is beautiful, Kenz." He said, watching the side of her face for any sort of reaction. A pink blush came across her face and she smiled. "Thanks." She said. Simon chewed his lip as he thought. He knew he still shouldn't be double-thinking everything he said around her, especially since they reached peak intimacy last night, but he couldn't help it. He took a deep breath before speaking, deciding to just blurt it out. "Do you want to go to dinner with me tonight? We could adventure the city at night if you want." Mackenzie smiled at his attempts to be romantic, which he took as a good sign and let out a small breath of relief. "Sure. Sounds fun." "Fun?" Simon questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Fine. Sounds romantic." She said, looking over into his deep blue eyes that seemed to light up when he smiled. "Good. That's what I was shooting for." He nodded as he spoke and reached over and intertwined their hands. Mackenzie thought about what his viewers would think if they saw the two of them now. It made her feel secretive and somewhat accomplished for keeping this secret from so many people so easily without even really trying. Simon didn't like keeping it a secret, though. He wanted to take pictures of her with cute captions and record her on his vlogging camera and be able to tell his viewers that he had somehow pulled off getting someone like her. He wanted to show her off to everyone. Even if she wasn't his to be shown off. Officially, anyways.

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