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       "I don't want to go." Simon mumbled, adjusting his headphones. "Of course you don't." Ethan joked, letting a laugh slip from his mouth. It was no secret that Simon was the least sociable of their friends. "Mackenzie isn't going either so I guess you could watch after her." Josh said quickly. "She's not a child, Josh." Vik said. "I know but -" Josh cut himself off, not really knowing where he was going with his statement. How could he tell his friends that he was worried his sister had so many demons in her mind that she could possibly do something to hurt herself? "She can look after herself." Tobi reassured him. Josh glanced over at his second monitor where the details of the Skype call they were in laid. They had been in the call for well over an hour and the time they were meant to leave for a night of drinking and fun was creeping nearer. Mackenzie was sat out on her small balcony. She learned that the balcony was actually connected to Simon's room, but he kept his balcony door locked and the shades covering it. He hardly ever went out there. Mackenzie went out to enjoy the night summer air a lot, which the guys didn't even know about. She was watching the sunset now, her guitar resting in her grasp. She strummed quietly, in fear of Simon hearing or interrupting a recording. She began humming along to 'Love Yourself'. Simon sighed as he ran his hands through his hair, placing his headphones down on his desk. He stood up and began walking towards his bathroom but froze when he heard the sound of Mackenzie's voice just outside his room. She had began to quietly sing, her mind in its own little world much like it was earlier that day. Simon's door opening made her stop. "Don't let me stop you, please." He said quietly. She didn't like playing or singing in front of people, not since her confidence of her talent had been destroyed repeatedly. But she looked into his deep blue eyes and took a deep breath before continuing right where she left off at. And he listened carefully, leaning against the doorframe. As much as the beautiful sunset wanted his eyes to be focused on it, they were focused on her. To him, she was way more beautiful than the sunset. The sunset was beautiful, yes, but she was exquisite. And she had absolutely no idea. Her beauty was more than skin deep, and that was obvious. Simon would jump at the opportunity to touch her heart and her mind way before he would jump at the opportunity to touch her hips. "I could honestly listen to you sing all fucking day." Simon blurted once she had finished the song. Her cheeks burned as she smiled down at her lap. "Uh - Thanks, I guess." She said, letting out a breathy laugh. "That sounded a lot less creepy in my head." Simon admitted, taking a seat in the only other chair out there. He finally looked over at the sunset, and so did she. He secretly hated how she didn't get lost in his eyes, but it wasn't anything new. Unless it was through a screen, girls just didn't like him. That's what he believed, anyways. "It's really beautiful, isn't it?" Mackenzie broke the comfortable silence that had come over them. Simon hummed in agreement, not looking over at her - even if he wanted to. He saved himself from the small pain in his chest he would surely feel when he found she wasn't already looking at him. "Shouldn't you be getting ready to go out?" She asked him. She was looking at him now, her eyes lingering on the small piece of his quiff that flopped over onto his forehead. "Nah. I'm not going." He shook his head, looking over at her too. He was surprised to be met with her eyes and not the side of her face. But, he was far from complaining. "Why not?" She asked, breaking the eye contact to look down at her lap for a split second before looking up again. "You must really want me gone." Simon joked, a smile tugging on his lips. He gave into it when she shook her head quickly. "Just want you to have fun." She said, relaxing when she heard a small chuckle come from him. "He's extremely antisocial." A voice behind them made both of them jump and turn around to see Josh stood in the doorway leading into Mackenzie's room. "I'm socializing now." Simon said, nodding towards Mackenzie. "It's lovely to hear you singing again." Josh told his sister, completely ignoring Simon's comment. "You've been there that long? That's a bit creepy." Simon said, letting out a small laugh. Mackenzie smiled at both of the boys' statements. "I just came to say we are leaving soon but saw you were a bit distracted." Josh said with a small smirk. "So you stood there and observed us like zoo animals?" Mackenzie asked, a small laugh following immediately after her words. "Gotta be a protective brother, don't I?" He asked sarcastically, walking towards her and standing behind her chair. He put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a small shake. "Not really." She replied, looking out at the sunset. "Yeah, whatever." Josh leaned forward and placed a small kiss atop her head, to which Mackenzie scrunched up her nose in a playful disgust. "Get away from me, please." She said, pulling away from him. "I need to get ready anyways." He mumbled, sticking his tongue out at her before stomping away. "He's such a child." Simon commented, laughing lightly. "And you're not?" Mackenzie asked, smiling at him. He narrowed his eyes at her, then an idea sprung to mind. "Do you want to record a video with me?" He asked quickly. "What kind of video?" Mackenzie asked, propping her guitar up on the banister in front of them. "Q&A maybe. Or we could react to weird stuff online." He shrugged. "Whatever you want." She said, not meeting his eyes. "So that's a yes?" He asked, his smile widening. "Yes, Simon. Let me get ready and I'll meet you in your room." With that she stood and left, leaving Simon with the butterflies that erupted in his stomach at hearing her say his name softly. He didn't think he would ever get over this stupid school crush feeling - when your heart cramps when they look at you and you fear that they won't like you back - but that was okay, because he kind of didn't want to.

Enough (Simon Minter/SDMN Fanfiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon