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Simon was sat in his office editing while Mackenzie was in the lounge area with the rest of the girls. They were discussing going out tonight but wasn't all quite on the same page with the idea. "I have an important cake I have to make tomorrow and I don't want to be hungover." Emily said. "Come on, Em! You can still come and not drink." Freya said. "Then I won't be having much fun, will I?" Emily asked. "Then drink and bake while hungover." Gee said. Emily rolled her eyes. She was definitely the most prone to be hungover out of the group and she was not looking forward to having yet another awful hangover. "I think we should go. We've all been working our arses off." Sarah said. "Yeah I think we should go too." Katie smiled. This was one of the first times Mackenzie and Katie had actually hung out, but both girls enjoyed the other's company. "What about you?" Sarah asked Mackenzie, nudging her with her elbow. "I'd like to go." Mackenzie nodded. "Why? Getting tired of me?" Simon asked from the entry into the hallway. "Yes, actually." She said, rolling her eyes. "Wow. Hurtful." He said as he turned away from the girls and made his way to the kitchen. "You two are so adorable." Freya whispered. Mackenzie blushed and shook her head. "Don't encourage him." She said, shaking her head. Simon began making himself a sandwich, Athena at his feet staring up at him, waiting for him to accidentally drop some food. It reminded him of a small child waiting for something they wanted. The thought made him freeze for a moment. Did he want kids? Sure. Eventually. Did he want kids with Mackenzie? Absolutely. "Kenzie!" He called, not moving from his spot. Just thinking about her made him want to see her. She appeared in the doorway a few seconds later. "You called?" She asked. "Are you guys going out tonight?" He asked. "I think so. Everyone but Emily is on board now." She nodded, walking towards him. "Why? Planning on inviting a stripper over?" She teased, hopping onto the counter next to his halfway done sandwich. "I wouldn't tell you." He joked, laughing as he rolled his eyes. "Actually just checking if I should go and get drunk food." Simon added. "You take such good care of me." Mackenzie said, sighing as Simon looked up at her from his food. "That's my job, love."


Several hours and several shots later Mackenzie was in the middle of the dance floor with her friends, having the time of her life. She held her drink up in the air as she danced so she didn't notice the man beside her slip something in it. No one noticed. She still didn't notice twenty-five minutes later, after finishing her drink and making her way outside the crowded club, Emily on her arm. Emily decided not to drink, but still was having fun, unlike she initially thought. Mackenzie declared she needed some air and so Emily walked her outside and plopped her down on a bench. She didn't notice that Mackenzie had seemed to lose consciousness until the rest of the girls came out and pointed it out. "Mackenzie, love, you've got to get up." Emily said, shaking her friend's shoulder. The man who drugged her was mad that her friends were surrounding her, but there wasn't much he could do about that. She he retreated back inside in search for another victim. Mackenzie groaned, her eyes opening to slits. She had been completely shattered before but she had never felt like this - unable to move and speak. "I think something's wrong." Emily said, pushing Mackenzie's black hair out of her face. "Yeah, she's shitfaced." Gee laughed. Emily shook her head. She had been around plenty of shitfaced girls and boys and never had someone fallen out of consciousness this quickly and hadn't even moved when she tried to pull them to their feet. "Someone call Simon." She said. "On it." Sarah sighed, pulling Mackenzie's phone from her pocket. Sarah was definitely the most sober out of the girls that had been drinking so she took charge after Emily. Mackenzie groaned again after trying and failing to open her mouth to speak. "It's alright, love. Don't worry." Emily told her. Mackenzie's mind was racing now. She was fully conscious but her body wasn't reacting to what she told it to do. She was still very drunk, so she wasn't completely freaking out yet. "Hello?" Simon answered the phone on the second ring after slipping his headphones off. "Hey. It's Sarah. Emily thinks there's something wrong with Mackenzie and she told me to call you." Sarah spoke quickly, watching Mackenzie out of the corner of her eye. The other girls were now focused on Mackenzie, worry now setting in. "What? What's wrong with her?" Simon asked, shooting up from his desk and slipping his feet in the nearest shoes he could find. "I - I don't know. How fast can you get here?" Sarah asked. "Where are you guys?" Simon was now jogging through the flat, searching for his car key. Sarah told him the name of the club and he nodded to himself, knowing instantly where the club was. It was the usual club they went to when they went out. "Give me twenty minutes." He said before hanging up. "Simon will be here soon, dear." Sarah told Mackenzie. Mackenzie tried to nod, but couldn't. "I still think she's just really drunk." Gee said. "If she was drunk she could at least talk." Emily said. She had been asking Mackenzie questions she should know the answers to, but she only got groans in return. "Well what's Simon going to do?" Katie asked. "Take her to the hospital probably." Freya said, knowing the boy better than the rest of the girls. "We can do that now instead of waiting." Katie said. Emily shook her head. "He knows how she is when she's drunk. It's his call." She said. "What if someone drugged her?" Sarah asked. That was the unspoken worry all of the girls had. It could've happened to anyone of them and the thought scared them so they didn't bring it up. No one had an answer to Sarah's question, they all just began thinking about the 'what if' scenarios. What if someone did drug her? What if they hadn't been there when she became so out of it? What if the person who did drug her came back for her? What if she had gotten raped? Simon was there within fifteen minutes after the phone call with Sarah and he immediately felt like something was wrong. "What did she have to drink?" He asked Emily. Emily listed off everything the girls had to drink and nothing stood out to Simon that would make her how she was now. "Is it possible that someone slipped something in her drink?" He asked, sliding his arms underneath her frame and lifting her off of the cold bench. "Maybe." Emily said, following him towards his car with the rest of the girls. Simon felt sick at the thought of someone having those sort of intentions for Mackenzie. Once they reached his car Emily opened the passenger door for him and he placed her in the seat carefully, buckling her in as the rest of the girls squeezed in the back. "I texted Josh." Freya said as Simon started the car. "Good. Tell him we are going to the hospital." He said as he reached over and grabbed Mackenzie's lifeless hand. If his adrenaline wasn't pumping through his veins he would definitely be crying his eyes out. He was scared to lose her. Terrified of it, actually. She groaned again - an effort to tell him that she was okay. He squeezed her hand in response, silently hoping that she would be okay.

Enough (Simon Minter/SDMN Fanfiction) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt