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Mackenzie tugged her skinny jeans up further as Freya smiled at her, pleased. "We're only going to the aquarium, Frey." Mackenzie said. "On a what, Mackenzie? A date. You're going on a date." Freya said, running her hands together excitedly. "I don't see why you're so worried about what I'm wearing. I wear this like everyday." Mackenzie shrugged as she shook out her wavy hair. Sometimes she hated how thick and long it was because it got quite hot, but she liked it now. Freya looked over her outfit again - white skinny jeans, a black and white Adidas t-shirt with the front tucked in and the sleeves rolled up slightly, and her new black Yeezys - and shrugged, deciding Mackenzie was right. It was nothing she didn't wear everyday, but she still looked great. "I love how your hair is perfectly black. It matches everything." Freya noted, reaching behind Mackenzie and bringing her hair in front of her shoulders. "Thanks, babes." Mackenzie smiled. "And your eyebrows are literally perfect. God, I can't look at you anymore. Simon!" Freya shook her head as she turned around quickly and headed towards Mackenzie's bedroom door. Simon ran his hands through his hair one last time before exiting his room, hearing Freya call his name. He was wearing jeans, which never happened, and a t-shirt. Nothing too fancy, just like Mackenzie. "Ooh, jeans. Nice." Josh nodded as he came out of his room, ready to send his sister off on her date. "Fuck off, Josh." Simon chuckled. Freya joined Josh along with Vik and JJ, who were a bit disappointed about what was happening. "Wow. Didn't realize everyone had to come say goodbye." Mackenzie said sarcastically from her doorway. "This is a big deal, Kenz. We placed bets and everything." Josh said. "You bet on me?" Mackenzie asked, narrowing her eyes at him. "You bet on her?" Freya asked him. He shrugged. Freya slapped his arm and rolled her eyes. "You would've done it if you were there!" He complained. "Okay we are leaving now." Simon announced, waiting for Mackenzie to lead the way down the stairs. "Don't have a good time because I bet against your relationship!" JJ called after them. "Me too!" Vik added. "Shut up, guys. Have fun!" Freya said, rolling her eyes at the guys behind her. "You lot are dickheads." She said once Simon and Mackenzie were fully gone. "Even Tobi did it!" Josh called after her once she marched down the stairs. He sighed as he got out his phone and went to the groupchat Tobi made just two days ago.

Simon x Mackenzie Project

They've just left

Where did they go?

An aquarium. Which is good because Kenz likes those

Simon hates fish?

Hates eating fish*

Hopefully not looking at them

I hope they have a good time

I don't

Just because she didn't like you doesn't mean you can't be supportive of your best mate, KSI

I am. But I want free Nando's too. Simon gets it.


Both of you are spengs. You're losing, ya know?

Ye, neither of you stand a chance

Vikram and Jide against the world smh

Kimon ftw

"You want to get burgers?" Simon asked, slightly surprised by Mackenzie's answer. He wasn't surprised because he knew her and her appetite, but it was still a shock because he wasn't used to going on dates with girls who wanted burgers. "Umm...yeah. Did I stutter?" She asked, laughing lightly. "The last girl I went on a date with wanted a salad and barely ate two bites of it." Simon admitted. Mackenzie felt herself begin to feel self conscious about her appetite for burgers, but she shrugged it off. Simon should be used to what and how she eats by now anyways. "We live together, Simon. You know I like food." She said. Simon laughed. "You like food almost as much as I do and I adore that." Simon admitted. He was nervous about the whole ordeal, to say the least, but he knew that sitting in an awkward silence was worse than embarrassing himself by complimenting her. She laughed lightly. "Almost as much as you? You can't even cook the food. You just eat it. Therefor you don't appreciate it as much as I do." She said smugly. He rolled his eyes, but didn't try to argue with that logic. "Thank you for asking me on a date, Simon. I'm already enjoying myself." Mackenzie said quickly. She regretted saying it immediately after. She thought it was lame. Simon, however, felt his heart squeeze when he looked over at her and saw her staring at her lap. He let his left hand drop from the steering wheel and reached over and grabbed her own hand. He smiled once she allowed him to intertwine their fingers. "Me too."


     Simon loved how Mackenzie's eyes lit up when she gazed into the blue water. It was that same twinkle in her eye that appeared when she was singing to Simon out on their balcony. Simon didn't notice it was still there when she looked at him, though. He nervously stood beside her, eyes darting from her and to the tank in front of them and their intertwined hands in between them. "Look." Mackenzie said quietly, pointing to a shark that was swimming towards them. "I could sit here and watch them swim around all damn day." Mackenzie said with a small smile. "It is quite lovely." Simon admitted, letting his eyes follow the shark for a while before he looked back to her. She saw him looking at her from the corner of her eye so she turned to face him too, giving him a small smile. As much as she wanted to look back at the view in front of her, his eyes held her there. They seemed more blue now with the water reflecting in them. Simon couldn't stand the itching at the back of his thoughts anymore - the constant demanding thought: Kiss her. Kiss her. Kiss her. He leaned in, connecting their lips. Mackenzie froze for a second before kissing back softly. Neither of them could deny how fast their hearts speeded up or how they both felt as if they were floating. The kiss was short, but still full of emotion. The single kiss seemed to put to rest all of the previous worries Mackenzie had about Simon fucking her over like everyone else had. It made her trust him completely. And it only made his feelings for her stronger - something that he didn't think was possible only yesterday. After that kiss, their previous thoughts about not being good enough for the other seemed completely ridiculous. Once they pulled away they stared at each other for a few more seconds until Mackenzie smiled brightly. "Come on. We have to go see the jellyfish."

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