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     Negative. Mackenzie wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. She decided to go with relieved as she walked down the hallway with the test clutched in her hand and passed Simon's office where she saw an empty beer can on his desk. It wasn't like she would've been upset about having to give up alcohol while carrying a baby. She was just glad she didn't have to put her entire life on hold for a while until she had the baby. Simon was eating a sandwich when she came back into the kitchen. He immediately gave her his full attention when she walked in, dropping his sandwich onto the plate and dusting his hands off on his jogging bottoms. "I'm not pregnant." She announced with a soft smile as she handed the test out towards him. He put a hand over his chest, almost as if he was clutching his heart as he let out a breath. Of course he was just joking about being so relieved. He would be lying if he said he wasn't the slightest bit disappointed. Mackenzie giggled at his expression and he swallowed the last bit of food in his mouth before speaking. "Don't you need to take multiple ones just to be sure?" He asked, his voice betraying him and sounding a bit hopeful. "I will tomorrow if you want me to." She said, silently begging for him to look up at her from the test so she could search his eyes for any signs of something he wasn't saying. A part of her knew he secretly wanted the test to be positive. Simon nodded, content with her agreement. A comfortable silence overcame them as they both thought over the situation. Mackenzie caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the wall and let out a small sigh. For once in her life, she liked herself. Simon made her do that. "So Upload is in like a week. Remember my offer is still on the table." Simon said. Mackenzie sighed again. This time, it wasn't necessarily positive. Simon had offered that she sing at Upload as well as have a meet up. Of course she declined immediately because she had never sang in front of any size crowd and there was no doubt there would be a big crowd at Upload. "Simon -" "I know, I know. You don't sing in front of people." Simon said. Mackenzie nodded, suddenly feeling self conscious because she repeated it so many times. Simon reached across the table and covered one of her small hands with his much larger one. "I still think you should do it. You're amazing." Simon said truthfully. "But singing in front of that many people is just - just I can't do it." She said. "Fine. If you don't want to do it you don't have to, but I still really think you should. And so do the rest of the guys." Simon said as he stood up from his chair, leaned over the table and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I need to go edit. If you need anything let me know." He said before walking briskly from the room. Mackenzie looked down at the negative pregnancy test and then back up at the mirror. She caught a glimpse of what once was her mother's guitar in the corner of the room and bit her lip. Sure, maybe she was good at singing and everyone had already heard her singing anyways from a leaked video on Tobi's Snapchat, but she still couldn't imagine herself up there on a stage in front of hundreds of people. The thought alone made her sick to her stomach. But she stood up and left the room with Simon's words in her head anyways. He left the door to his office open and saw her out of the corner of his eye. He slipped his headphones off and rested them around his neck as she leaned against the doorframe. "I'll do it." She finally said after they spent a few seconds just staring at each other. Simon felt his jaw drop and he jumped up to his feet. "Wh - Seriously?!" He yelled, not giving her time to answer and simply running towards her and wrapping her in his arms. She laughed as she felt her feet lift up off of the ground. "I'm so proud of you." Simon whispered in her hair. "I haven't done it yet." She said. He pulled his head away from her, still holding her tightly in the air. "But you said you would. And that's a good start."

A bit short but the next one is the big finale so it's okay. Thank you guys for reading and I love you all! I hope you all have/had an excellent day!

See ya! xx

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