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     "We're going to get alcohol!" Cal yelled throughout the villa. Everyone was settling in still so they all had their doors open and they all heard Cal's yell. Even Mackenzie. She was rooming with Simon, since he insisted. His logic was they already lived together so it wasn't that big of a deal. But, of course, the guys made it a big deal. "So are you going to drink tonight?" Simon asked her. "Probably." She shrugged. "You know you don't have to if you don't want to." He said. "I wouldn't if I didn't want to, Simon." She smiled reassuringly as she stood up, bathing suit in hand. She had already gawked over the pool and made up her mind about swimming as soon as possible. "Fair warning though, I'm a lightweight." She added before slipping out of the room and walking towards the bathroom. She also had a big t-shirt she would be using as a bathing suit coverup because she couldn't be bothered with using an actual one. "Noted!" He called after her. He took this opportunity to change himself into his swimming shorts. One thing Simon didn't like about going on holiday was people expecting him to be shirtless and him not being shirtless. Ever. He was very careful when on holiday, steering clear of those he knew were vlogging when he didn't have a shirt on. If Mackenzie knew that Simon was this insecure, she'd call him ridiculous. Because Simon was undeniably hot and for him to think otherwise was almost a crime. Mackenzie observed herself in the mirror once she was in her bathing suit. She was much like Simon when it came to self-esteem. And, again, if Simon knew she was just as insecure about her body as him he'd call her ridiculous. Still, it took a lot of courage for her to leave the bathroom with only a shirt covering her body. She reminded herself that she had been in a sports bra in front of Simon before and so it shouldn't be too weird. And he had seen her in just a shirt and knickers before. But she still felt awkward walking into their shared bedroom. She put her clothes she changed out of into a pile on the floor before grabbing her phone and leaving the room without a single word. Simon followed slowly, not questioning her silence too much. "You two going swimming?" Manny asked once they reached the bottom of the stairs. Mackenzie glanced behind her and was surprised to see Simon. She didn't even hear him behind her. "Yep." She answered with a small nod. "Cool. I'll be out there in a minute." He said before racing out of the room. "He can't swim." Simon laughed lightly, joking Mackenzie on the bottom step. Mackenzie smiled and shrugged, continuing on her way. Once they got out to the pool Mackenzie placed her phone down on one of the chairs and looked around, admiring the view they had. Simon admired her. He still couldn't really believe that he had something going on between her. It made him feel good about himself. Just not enough to be shirtless on camera. He shook his head to stop himself from staring at her, slipping off his shirt and smiling as an idea popped into his head. He ran up behind Mackenzie and wrapped his arms around her waist and jumped into the pool, bringing her in with him. She let out a small squeal before the water swallowed them. But she was laughing when she emerged. "I hate you." She said, splashing him. "Do you?" He questioned as he let go of her and allowed her to swim over to the edge. "Yes. I could've had my phone on me." She said, narrowing her eyes at him after she pulled herself up to sit on the edge. "I watched you put it down." He laughed, shaking his head. Mackenzie liked the way his hair stuck to his forehead. It was a different sight than his usual quiff, but she still liked it. "Sure." She rolled her eyes, smiling. She pulled her hair out of the ponytail it was in before finally gathering up the courage to take her shirt off. Simon looked away. Not because he wanted to but because he wanted to be respectful. "I'll be down here!" Manny called from the other end of the pool. He was stood in the shallow end, the water barely coming to his waist. "Oh, Manny." Mackenzie laughed, dropping herself back into the water and beginning to swim towards him. She didn't want him to feel lonely on the other end of the large pool. That was another thing Simon loved about her. She was so kind. "Did I ruin a moment?" Manny whispered once she was beside him. "What?" She laughed. "Were you two about to fuck or something?" He asked quietly. "Oh my God, Manny! No!" She groaned, giving him a slight push. Simon was making his way towards them now. As much as he loved Manny's company, he wanted to be alone with Mackenzie for just a little bit longer. He couldn't help it. He wanted her all to himself. He waded his way up behind her and snaked his arms around her waist, causing a small blush rise up to her face. "Right." Manny mumbled, smirking at the two. Tobi watched the scene play out from the doorway leading inside and smiled. He liked seeing his two friends happy. He snapped a picture of them, which ended up coming out Tumblr worthy because of the sinking sun behind them and the way Simon looked at the side of her face was goals. (I cringed for you.) He sent the picture to Josh along with a winky face emoji. "There you guys are!" He called, showing himself to the others. He tossed his phone onto a chair and ran to the deep end of the pool. "CANNONBALL!" He yelled as he jumped in, tucking his knees to his chest before his body hit the water. The impact splashed everyone and Mackenzie giggled, pulling away from Simon to splash Tobi. Tobi splashed her back and the two began going back and forth. "You're such children." Simon said, laughing as he pulled himself onto the side of the pool. "Josh is supposed to be the dad." Mackenzie said, walking over to him slowly. "Yeah but -" He stopped talking once she splashed him. "You're dead." He said, dropping into the water and extending his arms towards her. "You're a cunt." She laughed as he caught up to her and wrapped her in his arms. He picked her up out of the water before throwing her back in, holding her under for just a second before letting her go. She came up out of the water and coughed. "You're definitely a cunt." She nodded, pushing her hair out of her face. "I try." He shrugged, smiling. "Look what I found!" Manny appeared back outside with a football in his hands. "It was in one of the closets inside." He added, dropping it to the ground and beginning to do kick ups. "You're going down." Simon and Mackenzie said in unison, both of them rushing to get out of the pool to see who could get to the football first. Mackenzie beat him out of the pool and got the ball from Manny, sticking her tongue out at Simon. Manny made his way to the deep end of the pool and sat beside it, only sticking his feet in. "You sure they aren't together?" He asked his brother. "I know. I want them to fuck and get it over with, too." Tobi laughed. "I was actually the reason he asked her on a date in the first place." Tobi added, feeling proud of himself. "Well, do that again." Manny nodded. "Will do, bro. Will do."

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