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       When Mackenzie walked down the stairs Simon very subtly let his eyes wander over her body. He was a guy. That's just what guys did. So when Josh noticed, he simply dismissed it. Besides, his friend hadn't gotten laid in a while. Looking couldn't hurt anything. "Ready?" Josh asked, standing from his seat. His movements were copied by Simon, Vik, and JJ. Mackenzie gave a small nod, keeping her eyes towards the floor. "You lot have fun!" Lewis called from whatever room they worked in. Mackenzie smiled in response, not yelling back though. She wished they could come, but work came first and she understood that. "We are going -" "Shotgun!" Mackenzie cut Simon off, making him smile. He had already did the intro to his vlog, but hadn't yet announced where they were going. "That, everyone, is Mackenzie." Simon said, pointing his camera down a bit to get her in shot. She smiled and waved, mentally cursing herself for interrupting him. But she hadn't even realized he was talking if she was honest. "You guys will most likely be seeing more of her because she is now living with us. She is Josh's sister. No, we aren't together. Just to clear that up before anything gets started." Simon was still speaking to his camera about the girl who was now outside, walking towards the car. He hated having to tell everyone that they weren't together. Only because he wished they were.


"Is that KSI?!" That was what made Mackenzie look up from her phone and freeze. Maybe about fifteen kids were running towards her and she didn't know exactly what to do. So, she didn't do anything. Simon was right next to her and let out a small laugh that only she heard. Then he got out his vlogging camera and started talking, filming the kids. It seemed they were all busy with the boys, talking to them and taking pictures. It was like she didn't even exist anymore. She took a few steps away from the crowd, which was noticed by one girl who had just spoken to Simon. "You're Mackenzie, right?" The only way this girl could've known her was through Twitter or Instagram, since she had made no appearances on any of the guys' channels just yet. Mackenzie nodded, forcing a small smile. "Can I take a picture with you?" She asked. "Uh - Sure." Mackenzie said, nodding again. They took a quick selfie, the girl thanking Mackenzie before moving towards Josh. Mackenzie looked around again, feeling her nerves begin to twitch. The crowd looked like it had probably doubled now, in that short time when she was occupied. The guys no longer seemed excited to meet them, and asked them to back away as politely as they could. Mackenzie even spotted a member of security walking JJ away from the crowd. "Simon!" Josh yelled over the group. He wanted to be the one to save his sister from whatever it was that was happening, but he was probably a good twenty feet from her and a lot of people were in between them. While Simon was only a few feet from her. Simon's eyes flicked up to his friend, trying his best to focus on his voice out of the yells of the many people around him. He had gotten bombarded like this before, all of the Sidemen had, but never at Thorpe Park. "Get her out of here!" Josh instructed, pointing to his sister. Simon nodded, turning on his heel and beginning to walk towards her immediately. "Can I have a picture?" "Simon!" "Where are you going?" "Can I please have a picture?!" The voices molded together into one loud roar to Mackenzie, but he could hear the individual ones asking for different things. When he finally reached her, bringing more fans with him, she was obviously freaked out. He felt bad for her. This was a bad first experience with their viewers. He would much rather her first encounter with fans be with only a few kind ones, not a giant crowd of them who had no regard for personal space. At feeling Simon's arm sneak around her waist, she was snapped out of her trance, relaxing instantly when she realized who was holding onto her. "Are you two together?!" "She's probably using you for money, Simon!" "Where's Tobi?!" Tobi was actually wherever JJ was with Harry and Ethan. Vik, Josh, and Simon were the only ones left out to find their own way to solitude. "Are you okay?" He asked Mackenzie, leaning in close to her ear so she could hear him. She looked up at him and nodded, giving him a small smile. Once a security guard saw the two pushing through the crowd, he made his way to them. He had never seen anything like this, but sprung into action immediately. He was the one who got JJ out to safety. Though he doubted any of the kids were harmful, you just never really knew. It was better to be safe than sorry. Josh found Vik and the two worked together to find their way to safety. They got there shortly after Simon and Mackenzie. "Fucking hell." Mackenzie mumbled, leaning against the wall of the small room. It was a room mainly used when the workers of the park went on lunch break. "You okay?" Josh asked as he crossed the room to her. Once he reached her he immediately wrapped her in his arms. Sometimes she hated how protective he was, but then reminded herself that she had gone four years without it at all and remembered how much she missed it during that time. "I'm fine, Josh." She laughed, pushing him away. "That was....unexpected." Ethan said, taking a seat in an uncomfortable chair. "That's what she said." Harry said. He earned a small laugh from everyone, even Mackenzie. "So I knew you guys were famous. But that is like some Justin Bieber shit." Mackenzie said, taking a seat beside Ethan. "We aren't famous." Tobi said, shaking his head. Of course he'd say that. He had always been so humble. "Yeah. That hasn't happened in like a few months." JJ said, laughing. "Oh shut up, KSI." Mackenzie mocked, rolling her eyes jokingly. "I'm feeling personally attacked." JJ said, pretending to cry. It was safe to say that after spending an entire day with everyone yesterday, Mackenzie had grown closer to them. She found it easier to joke around with them and laugh at their jokes. She was still amazed at how easily she had bounced back to her old self after only a week of no longer being controlled by Nathan. Simon was being noticeably quiet, but no one said anything. He was thinking about how close him and Mackenzie had been minutes ago. It felt so good and so right to have her wrapped in his arm like that. But, much to his dismay, she simply didn't belong there.

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