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     Mackenzie sat quietly in the kitchen, scrolling through Twitter on her MacBook. Though she was doing it absentmindedly. Her thoughts were on her father. Josh was out for lunch with him right now. She was invited, but declined the offer. As much as she wanted to fix their relationship, she simply had nothing to say to him. She had realized he had died when her mum did. Not physically, just on the inside - where it really counted. He stopped putting cute notes in her school lunch, he stopped greeting her at the bottom of the stairs with a smile, he stopped hugging her, he stopped loving her completely. He stopped loving anyone. Although Mackenzie had been through so much with the people she once loved deeply and trusted, she still found herself slowly trusting everyone around her. She hated it, but she still allowed it to happen. Josh trusted them, so maybe she could too. She was still very much alive, even after the death of both her parents. Simon walked into the kitchen and greeted Mackenzie with a small 'Hello' but she didn't even look up. He had his hand on the handle of the refrigerator, but his eyes on her. She looked broken, and he wanted nothing more than to help fix her. "Are you alright?" He asked, a bit louder that time. That was what made her look up and at him. She wiped her cheek, realizing a tear had slipped out of her eye. "Yeah. I'm good." She said, forcing a smile. Simon opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the slam of the front door followed by Josh's angry footsteps. "I take it it didn't go well." Mackenzie said quietly when he arrived in the kitchen.  "Simon, get out." Josh said. "Joshua." Mackenzie warned, narrowing her eyes at him. Just because Josh was angry, he didn't need to be a dick. "No, it's alright. I'll be upstairs." Simon understood the siblings probably needed some alone time. And he understood that when Josh was genuinely angry he could be a dick, so he excused it. "He lied about being sober." Josh said once Simon was gone. Mackenzie felt herself frown. "Why would be do that?" Josh asked no one in particular. Mackenzie stood up from her stool and walked slowly to her brother who was now leaned against the counter, his elbows supporting his head as he held it in his hands. "What more do you expect from him? You shouldn't have ever gotten your hopes up." Mackenzie cooed, placing a hand on his back. She was hurt herself, but that didn't matter. She wanted to cheer her brother up. "He blew me off and then called to make a raincheck but it was so obvious he was drunk. I thought it could be different." Josh hated being emotional, almost as much as his sister. He never cried, but now he really was close to doing so. While it almost seemed as if Mackenzie was born with trust issues, Josh trusted freely. He had trusted his father too much - again - and it only ended up getting him hurt - again. "I blocked his number. I never want to see him again." Josh mumbled. Mackenzie sighed, nodding. She understood where he came from. Both of them wanted to fix whatever it was they had left with their father, but he ruined it. Just like he had the first time. "I'm going to convince the guys to go out tonight. I need a break. Do you want to come?" Josh asked as he stood up abruptly. He was done dwelling on it. He was done looking weak. "Not much of a drinker." Mackenzie shrugged, avoiding eye contact. Alcohol had never done her any good. Even if she wasn't the one drinking it. "Understandable. I'll be upstairs." Then Mackenzie was alone again, like she had been a lot recently. The trip to Thorpe Park was nearly a week ago, and that was the last time she had company for more than an hour. The guys were busy, and so was Freya and Lewis. So she just hung out in her room mostly. She didn't mind it though. She would much rather be alone than back where she was just two and a half weeks ago. At the rate she was emotionally healing, people would've thought she'd been out of her toxic relationship for years instead of weeks. She didn't even fully understand it either. She just knew that she had too many good things going for her right now to be sad. Which was why she wasn't too disappointed in her father's lie about being sober. That and the fact that she was used to being let down by him. She could remember sitting in Josh's room playing some video game and sighing as she heard her name come from downstairs. She always hoped that he'd be sober as she walked down the stairs, ignoring Josh's pleas. And yet he'd always be drunk. He always let her down. Now was no different. Why would it be?

This chapter is a bit short and all over the place and I apologize for that. I have a lot of ideas that I can't sort out perfectly but I'm trying. :)

Enough (Simon Minter/SDMN Fanfiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora