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     Simon had gone out with some of his old friends from Leeds. That's why he came stumbling in the front door and then Mackenzie's bedroom door at 2 in the morning. She was asleep, but he stripped himself to his boxers and jumped into bed with her anyways. The movement caused her to stir and then turn around to face him. "Simon? What the hell are you doing?" She asked, her eyes already closing again. "Going to sleep." He answered, snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. "Simon I don't even have trousers on." Mackenzie mumbled. "I'm not complaining." Simon laughed. She hummed, not being able to resist the sleep that tugged at her eyes. She sleepily cuddled into Simon's bare chest, a content smile on her face. "Goodnight, love." He whispered, placing a kiss on her head. She hummed again, too tired to talk. Simon took a few moments to cherish the moment. He had been sleeping alone for a while and to be able to do this meant a lot to him. Even if he was drunk, he knew that this moment was something worth remembering.


     Mackenzie was very careful not to wake Simon up the next morning when she got out of bed. She knew he probably had a hangover and wanted to be generous enough to let him sleep. But he woke up anyways while she was brushing her teeth. He climbed out of bed and walked slowly towards Mackenzie's open bathroom door. He let his eyes trail up and down her body, since she still wasn't wearing anything but a t-shirt and knickers. "Morning." Mackenzie mumbled past the toothbrush in her mouth, making eye contact with him in the mirror. She hated that he woke up before she put shorts on or anything, but there wasn't much she could do about it now but be embarrassed. Simon walked closer to her and wrapped her in his arms, resting the side of his face on the top of her head so he was looking to the side. The sudden display of affection surprised Mackenzie, but still made her blush. "Good morning." He mumbled. Mackenzie smiled for a moment. She thought of  herself as lucky to be able to hear his morning voice. Not many girls can say they've heard Simon Minter's morning voice. "Do you feel like death?" She asked with a small laugh. He hummed in response. "Do I need to ask why I woke up in your bed?" He asked quietly. "I don't know, actually. You came in in the middle of the night and just jumped right in." She said before cupping her hands underneath the faucet and filling them up with water and rinsing her mouth out. "Sorry." Simon let out a breathy chuckle, which made her smile. "You're forgiven, I guess." She shrugged. She turned around to face him, his arms remaining around her waist as their eyes met. Mackenzie liked this, regardless of the fact that she was embarrassed about not having much clothes on. She liked how close they were and how natural it felt for her. She liked how Simon's touch no longer reminded her of every other guy from her past. It was simply Simon now. The Simon that made her heart race just by being in his presence sometimes. "I'd kiss you but I haven't brushed my teeth and I'm sure I smell like a club." Simon said nervously. He wondered where in the hell this confidence was before he even knew Mackenzie. If he had it then, maybe his dry spell wouldn't still be a thing. But the truth was that Mackenzie made him confident in himself. Simply by reciprocating the feelings he had for her. Because he thought that if he was good enough for her he had to be doing something right. Mackenzie's self esteem has also been boosted after her and Simon's date and kisses. Because when he kissed her it wasn't like any other kiss she's ever had. He made sure she knew how he felt when he kissed her. And she felt the same way he did - if she was good enough for him she had to be doing something right. The two were very similar when it came to a lot of things, and they didn't even know it. "Little bit." Mackenzie said, smiling. "Thanks." Simon said sarcastically, dropping his arms from her sides. "No problem." She said with a nod. She watched his back as he went back into her bedroom and sat down on her bed. He pulled on his jeans he had on yesterday and then looked over at her again. She blushed as she looked down, embarrassed to have been caught staring. He smirked to himself as he stood up. "I'm gonna go edit." He told her. She nodded, giving him a small wave. Then he was gone and Mackenzie sighed, avoiding her reflection in the mirror. She didn't like how Simon had seen her in such little clothing so soon into whatever it was that they were. It made her feel like he thought she was easy, like every other guy that harassed her in school. She left her ensuite, switching the lights off behind her. She saw Simon left his shirt on the floor and he picked it up and tossed it into her dirty clothes bin. She'd probably end up keeping it. She always had a thing for oversized clothing anyways. "Do I want to know why you just left her room half naked?" Josh asked Simon quietly when they ran into each other in the hall. "I was drunk last night and -" "That's always a good thing." Josh rolled his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" Simon asked, letting out a small laugh. "You're such a fuckboy when you're drunk." Josh said bluntly, laughing as well. "I'm not that bad." Simon rolled his eyes and continued walking towards his room. "You're pretty bad." Josh said, turning around to follow him with his eyes. "I don't see her complaining." Simon smirked. "Whatever you say." Josh mumbled before Simon slipped into his room. Simon knew he was a flirt when he was drunk but he wouldn't say he was as bad as Josh was making him out to be. And he wasn't. When it came to Mackenzie. But if it was any other girl, he was definitely that bad.

Struggling to think of ideas :/ (you could probably tell by how boring this chapter was. whoops)

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