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     "Where is she at?" Josh asked as soon as he entered the waiting room to the hospital. "They just took her back to do some tests." Freya answered him, standing up to greet him. They shared a short kiss and Freya returned to her seat next to where Simon sat nervously, his legs bouncing involuntarily. "So you guys think someone drugged her?" Josh asked. "Well she seemed really out of it." Emily said, biting her lip. "But we never even left her alone. So whoever did it must've been really sneaky about it." Katie added. All of the other boys were on their way, Vik having drove Josh but was having trouble finding a place to park. The group sat in silence, each of the boys arriving eventually and asking the same questions over and over again. Until a nurse walked up to Simon. "You brought Mackenzie Bradley in, correct?" She asked with a smile. He nodded, bracing himself for the news. "Well we found a trace of Rohypnol in her system. There isn't much we can do except wait it out until the effects wear off. You guys did the right thing to bring her in, though. It could've been anything." Simon nodded along to what she was saying, taking a moment to take the information in. "When can we see her?" He asked. "Well she's asleep right now but you can go back whenever. She's in room 318." She smiled at the group before walking off. Again, Simon felt sick. To know that someone was as sinister as to drug an innocent woman to most likely have their way with her. "What's Rohypnol?" Ethan asked, a confused look on his face. "Roofies." Tobi answered, sighing. "Who wants to go see her with me?" Simon asked, pushing himself to his feet. Josh stood up too, joining Simon's side. "We'll be out here." Vik said, giving everyone the hint that he meant to say there. Simon and Josh got a few nods before walking away towards where her room was. "I think they need a moment with her." Vik explained briefly, earning a few more nods. Even if everyone knew Mackenzie was okay now, it really affected them. Just to think about what could've been going through someone's mind to do something like that was awful. And half of them didn't even want to know what could've happened if the girls weren't there. And the girls were really on edge. It could've been them that had been drugged. And they might not have been as lucky as Mackenzie. "People are so fucked up." Harry mumbled, running his hand down his tired face. "You can say that again." Lux agreed. "People are so fucked up." Harry repeated. Callux opened his mouth to say something and closed it, deciding that Harry's lack of comprehension wasn't anything he could argue with. "You're dumb." Ethan laughed lightly, poking Harry in the middle of the forehead. Harry rubbed his head as he laughed. "You didn't even know what Rohypnol was." Emily reminded him. "Wow. Parred by your own girl." Tobi chuckled. While they were laughing, Simon and Josh sat on either side of a sleeping Mackenzie. She was completely out, in too deep of a sleep to even hear them talking. Josh sighed, running a hand through his matted hair. "I hate seeing her in a hospital. It reminds me of my mum." He admitted. He was mainly talking to himself, but Simon listened anyways. "You can leave if you don't want to see her, Josh. She wouldn't want you to see her like this anyways." Simon said, his eyes never leaving his girlfriend's face. Josh let out a small laugh. "She's selfless like that." He said. That was true. Mackenzie wouldn't want her own brother to come see her if she was in the hospital only to spare him the depressing memories that came with hospitals. No matter how much she missed him. Josh stood up, not being able to handle it anymore. "I think I'll head home. You should get some rest." He said. Simon nodded, giving Josh a small wave before he was left alone with the sleeping girl before him.


     Nearly thirteen hours later Mackenzie finally woke up. Simon had left the hospital in the middle of the night just to get some clothes for her from their flat and to grab a quick bite to eat. Other than that he stayed by her side. He hadn't edited the videos he needed to upload today but he wasn't concerned about that. Mackenzie was his main priority. And if the viewers knew what happened, they wouldn't want him to upload anyways. They would want him to take care of her. Because the couple was slowly becoming one of YouTube's power couples. "Simon?" Mackenzie mumbled, watching his head snap up from his phone incredibly fast. "Hello, love." He said, smiling at her. She had her eyebrow's knotted together as she squeezed his hand. "How are you feeling?" He asked. She began to sat up and slowly looking around the room. "Really hungover." She said finally, looking down at the IV in her arm that was making sure she was hydrated. Simon chuckled lightly at her response and then immediately frowned when she met his eyes. "What happened?" She asked. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before he spoke. It wasn't like he was announcing someone had died, but it was still hard to tell someone you loved that they had almost gotten raped just the night before. "Uh - Well, someone drugged you." He said slowly. She nodded, seeing how much pain Simon's eyes were portraying. The thought hurt him. More than it probably should've. "Well I'm okay now." She smiled weakly at him, releasing his hand and opening her arms for a hug. He stood up to hug her, sighing as they embraced. "You could've been..." His voice trailed off when it cracked and he felt tears prick his eyes. He pulled her impossibly closer and she returned the squeeze. "Si, you cant worry yourself about what could've been, okay? You'll drive yourself insane." She told him. He nodded slowly, letting her words sink in as the tears he wouldn't allow himself to cry dissipated. "I'm so glad you're okay." He admitted, his voice still broken. She smiled into him and let out a small laugh. "I'll always be okay." She whispered. She remember back to the second day they knew each other, when he asked her if she was okay and she had told him she was getting there. She was there now. She had been for a while. And, as long as she had him, she couldn't see herself being anywhere but.

Why am I crying?

I wrote this a while ago and I'm writing this right before I post it and I know why I'm crying now. My dad passed away. That's kind of why I've been updating off of my usual schedule. He was put into the hospital about two weeks ago and turns out his entire body was eat up with cancer. So it wasn't too sudden and I kind of expected it. I'm not okay, but I will be.

And no, I'm not telling you guys this to get pity votes or reads or comments. I don't want your pity. And if you even think I'm doing this for pity then please get the fuck off of my profile because that's actually really stupid. Thank you in advance.

I hope you all have/had an awesome day!

See ya! xxx

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