Chapter Three: Moments Of Rest

Start from the beginning

I nodded in agreement as I left the room with him to guide me.

Sure I may be safe, I wonder what make the Winter Soldier give me up. He could have killed me right there . A bonus is why did he even drop me on the ground after all of that.

The ridiculous thought comes in my head when I wonder if the villain was the one who woken me up. He might have been the one, he might have just really been surrounded or stumped when he had me in his arms .

Maybe I wont ever find out.

Bucky's P.O.V

There's something about that woman.

When I had the chance to kill her and take her to HYDRA, she was bloody and wounded. She ordered me to kill her quickly. I didn't know that she could speak at all.

Why should that matter ? She's only a job.

I let her go because I knew that the woman would be brain dead by the time she arrived to HYDRA. If her brain was no good then she wouldn't be too good for the transplant to be a worker for us. I really wasn't thinking over the time I did it. I had to think of some excuse to tell Alexander when he asks me where her body is,

The glass door opened as Alexander had came in with rage in his face. In his hands was a clipboard that was full of papers from files. He had stood next to the bed I had slept in.

Alexander wasn't happy at al by the simple look of anger in his face. With a simple look on his face, I knew that I was in deep shit with my boss. Instead of standing, he decided to sit down to talk to me about what went on between Anne and I a few hours ago.

"I met a beautiful woman today, sweet kind, very polite with me. Was in a RECIENT accident, and she somehow woken up from a terrible curse people at shield say to me. Do you know this girl?"

I glance up at him as he tossed the papers in my face as he kept on talking. What ever this girl is worth is making him pretty pissed off over it. The files had her name written all over it as they were SHIELD files. He taken a deep breath before calming down for a second.

"Look you didn't loose a target, but two. The same one in one day. when you kill Fury, I might just have to take her in for protection" He put the last word in quotes as he made me more interested. "First we take the leader down, then the rest will tumble down as well "

I given a nod as I stretched out my legs . The woman now is my secondary target now, that's not too bad of a deal for me. Its just for me to have the guts for me to do it when the time comes. I have to do it , and its not even like the person is really going to be dead.

"Do you understand? Take him down , or don't come back"

I nod as I turn my head away as I heard his door shut.

Anne's P.O.V

"Do you like it? " Steve asked me as he revealed the hairstyle to my face. The hairstylist had clutched her hands together as she wondered if she had met up with my expectations. My hair was still long and was rather straight for my taste. I guess that's what's the style now. My front bangs were gone as they were replaced with my blank forehead.

After a few moments of staring at it I decided that I really liked it.

"I love it" I wanted to say . I nodded and the stylist was rather relieved as Steve had handed her the money that he owed her. The woman had smiled as she waved us off .

Everyone recognises the captain on the street. He Is a avenger of course and well known for his heroism on the battle field during world war two. Not to mention that he was frozen for over seventy years like me.

I bet that no one recognise me. I wasn't as famous as this man. Steve and I only worked together twice before I was caught under the spell. Why does he even want to hang with a soldier like me? I am a only a evil leaders daughter while he's a loyal church boy.

Then out of no where a body had crashed with mine. It was by accident of course so I decided to help the man up . The man was rather thin with dark skin. He had greased back hair that looked like it needed to be washed with some heavy duty shampoo .

The man also had worn glasses as he taken the moment to recognise me" Your Anne. The.. Dra" Then Steve had covered her mouth for a moment as he pushed his finger against his lips

"It 's a secret. " He tells the man.

"Oh okay, sorry" The man muttered' Names Max, I am glad that you woken up, so many at OSCORP thought that you wouldn't "

I shaken his hand as I gave him a confused look. Max had waved goodbye and left the two of us. I cant believe that someone knows who I am . Sure SHIELD does but this new company OSCORP is one I haven't head of yet. I am surprised that I have a fan around here.

Sure he may seem odd but its one. Steve Rogers was smilling at my reaction to the man .

"Well looks like you had made someones day" He said.

I shrugged as we kept on walking down the street . He then gave me a playful knudge as he kept on mocking me in a teasing way.

" Well alot of people remember me thats for sure. But i am surprsied that he knows of a person that i knew in a short peroid of time." He says. Then he looked up to the stars and then looked back to me" We better head off back to my place."

oh god.

I glanced back at him and he nudged me again"Come on i am only teasing. I have a extra bed in my apartment. "

I sighed in relief and headed back to the room with him. He then had tried to explain what exactly happened to me when I was asleep.

For starters we had won the war, no one had said that we lost. I knew that. When my father was defeated, Howard Stark had taken the ship over and found me. He was a close friend of mine actually, and we had relations together as we were pen pals. I would tell him what went on here and he would do the same back. Howard put me intoa glass coffin under the gaurd of STARK industries until a couple years ago when Tony handed me to SHIELD.

That I didn't know .
Steve had promised that he will bring me back to see Tony Stark one day, i look forword to meeting Howard's son. Then he had asked me a question just before we came into the room.

"So who was the lucky man who woken you up"

I had shrugged as he had let me in. He was rather disipointed in my response. I guess he would have thought that I would have known what the persons would have looked like.

Sorry that this chapter is so short :( I promise to make it up in chapter 4!

- Jane

Fear Is How I Fall * Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier Love Story* Book One Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now