Chapter 35: Loom Of Fate

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          Aqualad and Roy landed in the middle of a shallow river. A small bridge was near them, it going from a forest to a small stone island.

        ''Where is everyone,'' Roy asked. ''Everyone alright?''

          ''We're good,'' Robin called, standing on the bridge with Superboy, Wally, and White.

          ''Us to,'' Paige answered, near the stone island with Miss.Martian, Artemis, and Cheshire.

          ''Where's Savage,'' Cheshire says.

          ''Oh gods,'' White swore.

          Savage was standing on the stone island, near a large and ancient looking loom. The loom's fabric had a design like a medieval tapestry. Even the wood and strings that made it's structure looked old. A ball of thread was next to it.

          ''You're too late, young heroes,'' he said.

          ''What do you plan to do, Savage,'' White yelled.

          ''Get rid of magic at the source,'' Savage told them.

         Both White and Paige became as pale as a pair of ghosts.

          ''Magic was first born at the rise of ancient Greece,'' Savage said. ''Then spreading to Rome, Camelot, Egypt, and the rest of the world over the years. Take out the birth of Greece from history, and magic will be wiped out of existence.''

           ''We won't let you do that, Savage,'' Miss.Martian says.

          ''You don't have a choice,'' Savage growled.

           He took out a dagger. The team ran at him as he got it close to the fabric of reality. He went to the birth of Greece on the timeline. He stabbed his dagger through the fabric, the threads glowing where they were cut.

           The team came to a halt as they heard blood curdling screams. They turned around to see White and Paige in pain. White's wings were wilting and Paige's keys were all reacting violently to the cut. Both of them seemed to be fading away. They were almost ghosts as they became less visible and more transparent.

          ''White,'' Roy yelled.

          He ran to his brother, trying to help him. But none of them knew how.

          ''What's happening to them,'' Superboy asked, scared like the rest.

         ''We're fading,'' White weakly says. ''Magic is who we are, right to our cores. If magic no longer exists, then neither do we.''

           Aqualad then held his head, yelling. He fell down, as he also started to fade.

         ''Kaldur,'' Miss.Martian cried, rushing to his side.

        ''My home, Atlantis, is also full of magic,'' Aqualad says, weakened. ''We are taught sorcery at the conservatory. We will fade, as well.''

          ''Savage, not even you can be this cruel,'' Robin yelled at him. ''Don't you know how much suffering you're going to cause.''

           ''You mean, like this,'' Savage says.

          Spheres of light formed around them. They all showed the pain being caused by cutting the fabric. All of them were magical creatures or being fading away and in incredible pain. 

          They saw Dr.Fate and Zatanna fading away. The city of Atlantis starting to crumble and vanish with its citizens. Camelot was slowly falling to the ground. Mermaids were screaming in the sea. Demons stuck in the Underworld with no way up, others stuck topside with no way down. Dragons were losing their fire breath. 

          But then they saw the sisters. All of them were holding their heads, screaming as they faded away. Even their book of shadows was un-writing itself, losing all of its spells, hexes, and demon information.

          ''Magic is fading from the entire world,'' Cheshire freaked. ''It won't survive for much longer if this keeps up.''

          ''What do we do,'' Miss.Martian panicked.

           Roy looked at Excalibur, which hadn't started fading yet. He grabbed the hilt, standing up. He had tears in his eyes.

          ''SAVAGE,'' he boomed.

          The archer charged the villain. Before he could cut the rest of ancient Greece out of history, he knocked him away. He fought, sword to spear. And boy was he ever pissed. 

           ''I am not losing him again,'' Roy yelled. ''Especially not to the likes of you.''

         ''You think you can beat me, child,'' Savage says. ''I think not.''

           Roy ran at him with the legendary sword. Savage was skilled, despite how he hardly ever did the dirty work himself. He would block the sword with the Spear of Destiny, then strike with his dagger. Roy would swiftly dodge the dagger and swing the sword.

          ''You will lose, young archer,'' Savage taunted. ''And once your precious Gold Siren fades away, so will your memories of him.''

           Roy's eyes snapped wider. He remembered everything he shared with White. Giving him his lyre, taking care of him with Aqua when he was little, him joining the team, them being reunited. He wasn't going to let anyone take those from him.

            ''You've gone too far, Savage,'' Roy screamed.

           He raised the sword high and charged. When he tried to defend with the spear, Roy brought Excalibur down on it. The spear shattered on impact, causing Savage to be thrown back. Roy quickly knocked him out with the sword's hilt.

           ''Roy, they're still fading,'' Cheshire called.

          Their three friends were slowly getting more transparent and weaker. 

           ''The thread,'' Paige weakly said. ''You have to reweave the fabric. Repair the damage.''

          Roy went over to the loom. He started to use the thread to weave it into the fabric. A green arrow suddenly came out of nowhere. But it froze just before it could cut the rift the rest of the way.

           Artemis was shocked by the outstretched hand of Ma'gann. She had used her powers to stop the arrow.

        ''Why'd you do that,'' Artemis says, shocked. ''We were just about to be free of every monster on the planet.''

          Wally sped over and took the arrow. He intended to finish the job himself. But Robin threw a bird-a-rang and knocked him away. By then, Roy had finished with the loom. The rip had been fully patched up. White, Aqualad, and Paige stopped fading and became solid again. The images in all the spheres showed everything returning to normal.

          The team stood over the other two, glaring.

          ''Something tells me Batman is not going to like this,'' Robin said.

         ''Why did you try to wipe out magic,'' Miss.Martian asked, worried.

           ''To make sure that science will finally rein supreme,'' Kid Flash growled. ''Make sure that it doesn't exist.''

           ''To get rid of every monster it created,'' Artemis agreed with him.

           ''Roy, i'm going to need my sword back,'' White said. ''We need to get back to the cave. Before they try anything else.''

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