Chapter 1: He Left

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                  White and Aqua were cooped up in White's room. The nine year old boy and ten year old girl were trying their best not to listen to the argument going on downstairs. Their family wasn't the regular dysfunctional family. They didn't have parents that argued. Their parents argued with their eleven year old brother, Roy.

                 There was always arguments between the three of them. The two younger ones never knew what the arguments were about, and didn't want to. Their parents were scientists and always argued with Roy over the existence of magic and the supernatural. All they cared about was their work, bot their kids. But it was always like Roy was trying to protect someone when he argued with them.

                  ''Why can't they just get along, like normal families,'' White says, covering his ears so he wouldn't hear the arguments.

                 ''Everything will be alright, White,'' Aqua said, trying to comfort her brother. ''It always ends that way.''

                 ''But it's never been this bad before, sis,'' White said. ''They are really going at it. Like cats and dogs to the extreme.''

                   ''Okay, Mr.Perky,'' Aqua says.

                  This was always why Aqua never had to worry too much about White becoming too effected by the arguments. He was so innocent and happy that it acted as a shield to any, and all, negativity around him. But she was still as protective as ever.

                  They suddenly heard the bottom floor get really quiet. The fight had came to a sudden stop. They saw Roy come marching up the stairs. He went straight to his room and slammed the door behind him.

                  ''Do I even have to say it,'' White said.

                  ''You don't have to, but go ahead,'' Aqua says.

                ''Alright,'' White said. ''I told you so.''

                 Roy opened his door, he was carrying a duffel bag. He spotted his younger siblings watching him. He went over to them and closed their door. He turned to face them, looking sad and like he was betraying someone.

                 ''Are you leaving,'' Aqua asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.

                ''I'm sorry, but yes,'' Roy answered. ''I just can't deal with them anymore.''

               ''But you still have us,'' White said. ''You'll always have us.''

                ''I really am sorry,'' Roy apologized.

              ''We're your family,'' White says. ''What about us. You can't just leave us behind, Roy.''

              ''I don't want to, but they leave me no choice,'' Roy said. ''But remember one thing, we will always be family.''

                ''Please, Roy,'' Aqua says.

                 ''I can't stay, guys,'' Roy said. ''I can't do this anymore.''

                 He went to the other side of the room, opening the window. But he went over to White, who was crying.

                 ''I do have one last thing for you,'' he said. ''So that you will always know that I care about you.''

                   He reached into his pocket. He pulled out a necklace. It was a simple silver chain, but with a golden lyre pendent. He knew how much White loved music. It was his comfort in times of stress or pain. He also listened to music just to be happy, which he always was.

                   Roy took the necklace and put it around his younger brother's neck. He then hugged both of his siblings.

                   ''No matter what anyone tells you, you are perfect just the way you are,'' Roy told them, as they cried.

                    With that, Roy went over to the window. He climbed out and shimmied down the tree next to it. His siblings watch him walk down the street, vanishing around the corner.

                  ''He just left,'' Aqua said.

                  White was crying harder than her. He held the golden lyre like it was an amulet. All he had left of their brother. Aqua held him tightly, now the only person in the house that would protect him.

                  ''We'll be fine, we'll be fine,'' Aqua comforted him. ''I'm here for you.''

                As he cried, neither of them noticed his eyes. Normally, they were a kind and gentle sky blue color. But they had somehow changed. His eyes were now a soft and bright gold. He was crying golden tears as he stared out the window his brother used to leave. He never knew if he would ever see him again.

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