Chapter 19: Angry Siren

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            ''Thanks for throwing me under the bus, White,'' Paige said.

             ''Where have you two been,'' Batman growled. ''You can't just go out of your own. You're not solo heroes anymore.''

             ''Excuse us, but getting an artifact out of public eye, kind of, trumped that,'' White says. 

            ''Which one,'' Roy asked.

            ''The Evil Queen's magic mirror,'' White showed them.

            ''That tiny thing is the magic mirror from one of the most famous fairy tales in the world,'' Robin asked.

             ''That's the first thought we had as well,'' Paige said.

             ''The mirror is the first artifact to show up in public,'' White says. ''If we hadn't got it, who knows who else would have discovered its magic first.''

             ''I can see your reasons, but that is no excuse for going out on your own,'' Batman told them.

             ''Besides, how are you so sure that thing even works,'' Kid Flash asked, still delusional about there not being magic.

            White glared at Cheshire standing next to his brother.

           ''Let me give you an example,'' he said, approaching them. ''Mirror, mirror, in my hand. Is Cheshire telling the truth, in our land?'' 

             ''White,'' Roy yelled.

          White faced the mirror towards the assassin. The glass turned bright green.

           ''Guess you were telling the truth, after all,'' White says, giving the mirror to Paige.

           ''Did you plan on doing that the entire time,'' Roy asked, angry. 

            ''When you're me, you always need to be careful on who you trust,'' White said. ''She's an assassin, Roy.''

            ''I trust her,'' Roy said.

           ''You trust your girlfriend over your own brother,'' White yelled. ''She tried to kill my best friends. She tried to kill me.''

           ''I'm not saying she didn't,'' Roy yelled back. ''You need to get over your trust issues.''

           ''Trust issues?! Trust issues,'' White screamed. ''I was experimented on by our own parents. The people I should have trusted above all others. You really expect me to trust anyone fully after that. I tried that with you, and I thought I finally could leave it behind. But you just broke it.''

           Roy saw the hurt in his eyes, realizing what he had done to him. Paige saw White's eyes start to flash black. The last that happened, he nearly wiped out an entire town with a single scream. The one downside of his magic, rage.

           ''White, he's coming out,'' she tried warning.

           But when he turned around, his eyes were completely black. Paige backed up, scared. She raised a key.

           ''Give back White before you make me do something that i'll regret later,'' she said.

          ''What's the matter, didn't you miss your friend, Black Siren,'' he smirked, evil.

           ''Open, gate of the...'' Paige tried.

             Black Siren opened his mouth, screaming. This attack was different from his siren scream and siren wail. The golden sound waves were like Canary's canary cry, but as a smaller and stronger blast. Somewhere between his scream and his wail.

             Paige was knocked off her feet and was sent flying into the wall. The siren did a full 360 and sent everyone else flying. They all crash landed around the training area. When they got back up, White was gone.

            ''What the hell was that,'' Artemis swore.

           Paige went over to Roy and slapped him.

            ''This is all your fault, you selfish, good for nothing...'' she started shouting.

            ''Zodiac,'' Batman boomed, making her turn to him. ''Tell us what this is.''

             Paige started crying. ''You guys need to understand that this isn't him. White doesn't show his negative emotions much because it goes against his personality. But when he gets mad, and I mean like flying rage mad, he is no longer him. The darker side of light takes hold and he becomes Black Siren, the most dangerous of all sirens. The kind ruled by anger and hatred. White's opposite.''

            ''How could Roy have caused that,'' Kid Flash asked.

            ''You people are oblivious,'' Paige yelled. ''Roy is all that White has left. So seeing him trust someone more than him, betraying him like that, broke him. Deep down, he's still healing from being an experiment, so he held onto his only family. Roy thinking White had gone too far sent him over the edge.''

              ''It was because Roy was the only one he fully trusted,'' Superboy realized.

              Paige nodded, wiping away her tears.

             ''Deep down, White still thinks those closest to him will betray him,'' she said. ''Black Siren took hold because of his sadness and anger.''

              ''He always seems so happy,'' Miss.Martian says. ''We just thought he had gotten over his pain.''

             ''He always has been an expert at hiding his pain,'' Paige said.

            ''How bad was the last time Black Siren came out,'' Aqualad asked.

              ''He nearly wiped out an entire city with a single scream,'' Paige answered, making their eyes widen. ''If I could just talk to him, I can get White back.''

              ''You're going to beat an all powerful music nut through talking,'' Kid Flash doubted.

            ''Magic is tied to our emotions,'' Paige told him. ''Calm him down and White will come back. I hope.''

               ''We will help you, my friend,'' Aqualad said.

               ''White would appreciate that,'' Paige says. ''But while Black Siren is more ruthless, he's weaker than White. He uses his sonic screams, but refuses to use his siren song and golden instruments. Thinks they're too good for his evil.''

              ''At least that's a little reassuring,'' Artemis said.

            ''Where do you think Black Siren will attack first,'' Cheshire asked.

              The entire mountain shook. The walls and roof started to spider with cracks. The team struggled to stay on their feet.

             ''I think you just answered your own question,'' Robin said.

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