Chapter 15: Necklace Of Harmonia

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                 ''The entire world is going crazy,'' Kid Flash says.

                 ''How's that any different than the usual,'' Roy asked.

                The team was watching tv as White and Ma'gann were working in the kitchen. There was a lot of talk about a possible war breakout in Greece. The news was talking about the rising tension between Athens and Sparta.

                ''Was it like this even before me and Paige came,'' White asked, smiling.

               ''Except for Red Arrow being a part of the team, yes,'' Miss.Martian answered.

              ''Glad to see Wally isn't just annoying because of us,'' White joked.

             Paige was looking at the television. The screen showed the royal family of Athens coming back from another failed attempt to make peace with the royal family of Sparta. She spied a necklace around the princess's neck. 

            ''Not good,'' she swore, pausing the news.

             ''Hey,'' Kid Flash protested.

            ''Not now, Wally,'' Paige said. ''White, you might want to see this.''

            The siren walked next to her, brushing flour out of his hair.

              ''The princess, look at her necklace,'' Paige says.

             ''Crap,'' White swore. ''We need to fly to Athens.''

              ''Why,'' Artemis asked, with attitude.

              ''Just move,'' Paige growled.

                                               *****Line Break*****

                The team was in the bioship, flying to Athens. They had just passed over Venice, Italy and were nearly there.

               ''I think we've been patient enough,'' Artemis says. ''Would you two tell us what is going on.''

              ''We are stopping another war from breaking out between Athens and Sparta,'' Paige said. ''How common.''

               ''Uh... what,'' Superboy ''duh''ed.

              ''Look at this,'' White says. ''May I, Robin?''

              ''Of course,'' Robin said.

              White pulled up several holographic screens in front of the team. They all showed images of the princess of Athens.

              ''This is Haley, the princess of Athens,'' White explained. ''And around her neck,'' zooming in on the image,'' is why we're going.''

              ''We're traveling across the globe so you can steal a necklace from a princess,'' Kid Flash said, annoyed.

               ''Wally,'' Roy warned.

               ''It's more than a necklace,'' Paige said. ''It's magic. The Necklace of Harmonia.''

              ''I know about her,'' Miss.Martian says. ''Harmonia is the Greek goddess of harmony. She's the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.''

               ''Her necklace has left a trail of blood thousands of years long,'' White explained. ''Whatever woman wearing it, is struck by misfortune. On regular people it could be food shortage, drought, sickness, anything for a single person. But with royalty, like Haley, it's stirring up the rivalries between Athens and Sparta.''

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